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=Loving someone who doesn't love you back is like waiting for a ship at the airport.•Zayn Malik•=


🔥Erik's POV🔥

Helen's hand is intertwined with mine as she pulls me to the lounge in which Marco and I agrued earlier, causing chills to run down my spine. I can't help but compare her to a model who is walking over the catwalk, her perfect moves, the short dress swinging along. My palms start sweating immediately as she turns around and sends me a flirtatious smile along with a wink. Signalizing me with a pat onto the spot next to her that I should sit down, I return the smile shyly as a crimson colour creeps onto my cheeks.

"You are so cute when you blush." Helen tells me, being somehow more confident than the whole night long.

"Uhm, t-thank you." I stutter like an idiot, probably embarrassing myself more than ever.

I should be the one telling her how cute she is, not the other way around!

I clear my throat and wrap an arm around her shoulders awkwardly, watching her whole face light up.

"I-I am positive that I have already told you how beautiful you look today." I compliment Helen and look deep into her eyes that glister under the dimmed light.

I should stop acting like a freaking hormonal teenager.

I could get lost in her brownish eyes that rest on my lips for what seems like an enternity as I lean a bit closer, resting my hand on her upperthigh.

"Helen." I whisper as our lips are about to connect and grab her face with my other hand.

"Erik." she murmurs, her breath tickling my skin as the words leave her mouth.

Her beautiful eyes wander from my lips to something behind me quickly and back, then she closes the gap that's left between us and kisses me passionately.

I guess the alcohol we drank the whole night didn't really work for our own good, but at least I am about to win the bet.

Her lips taste like a warm day in summer; sweet like strawberries, cool like drinks you tend to invite your closest friends to, yet hot like the air at the same time.

Just as I am about to deepen the kiss and move my hands from her face to her upperbody, someone spills an entire drink over my suit, causing Helen to shriek and me to break the kiss.

As I turn around I look directly into the face of a relieved looking Marco who fakes guilt immediately when he notices the glares by people around us.

"Gosh Erik, I can't express how sorry I am, I just tripped over this stupid couch."

Who, for God's sake, buys such a bullshit-

"Marco, have you hurt yourself?" Helen claims, running over to him and starting to massage his ankle.

"It just feels a little bit bad, you know, I've injured my foot quite a few times because of the football." Marco explains, faking pain in his ankle.

"And your suit Erik!" the beauty brings her hand up to cover her mouth.

I look at my dress shirt that once was perfectly white and now is soaked with some green liquor, even wettening my chest underneath.

"You should definitely change, you can have my spare dress shirt." Marco suggests and grins at me evily as Helen isn't looking at him.

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