- Inkberry / Errorberry - (1)

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*DS Ink x Blueberry x Error*

*You can still request inkberry/errorberry, but I won't do the same characters if you know what I mean  ^^*

*Requested by HeartsandMusics1Ham8*

[POV: Blueberry]

Location: Somewhere in the anti-void...

Day: 1

If I've learned one thing it would be: whenever a mass destroyer tries to destroy your AU, do not, under any circumstances, trade yourself for your AU.

It's pretty self-explanatory - except if you were, hypothetically, of course, a weak idiot who can't stand to see their AU suffering then you're gonna have a bit of a bad time deciding.

I, of course, am not a weak idiot. Or, at least I try not to be... I've been told I am though... by several people in this place. The only problem is that I've only seen one person here, and that would be Error.

The supposed 'mass destroyer'.

So I'm a bit confused about where the other voices come from, but I guess I'll never know. Since, you know, Error is never here.

Day: 2

He's still not here.

Where is he?

It's getting a bit lonely, and I've only been here a day. Yeah, I've counted. People think I'm stupid, but I'm not. I know exactly how physic- wait. No that's maths I think. Yeah, maybe I am a bit stupid...


I refuse to think negatively in this situation. That is most-likely what Error wants.

Well... maybe not... maybe he kidnapped me because he's lonely too... I can't imagine what it would be like to be here all the damn time... All alone. With only the voices as a company. I've already accepted the fact that I'm probably going to be here for a very long time.


I love it here.

Okay, that's a bit rude of me... it's Error's home, I shouldn't say that about it.

Well, I'm assuming it's his home - the only problem is that he's never here!

2 days?! 

Might as well try and get comfortable. Get some sleep.

This place gives me the creeps, so I doubt I'll be able to go to sleep...

Day: 5

I can't do this. I can't do this.

No, no, no... I can do this.

I will get through this... eventually.

I swear, actually- no, I do not swear, because swearing is bad but... I-


Am I overreacting? I think I might be.

It's just that I've only been here 5 days and already I'm suffering like hell...

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