- Killerberry -

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*Killerberry - Killer x Blue*

*Requested by: Zihem1*

God, what has this skeleton done to me? Killer thought, moving his little captive and propping him up on the dusty sofa so he was sitting comfortably. Or, well... comfortable-er.

Killer did try to get some of the dust off, but it didn't work. Plus, even if he did sort of care for this little thing, he certainly liked the aesthetic of having the monster equivalent of corpses strewn on the furniture nearly as much.

As you do.

Whilst he waited for the drugs to finally stop working and for his little captive to wake up, he started playing with a knife. This was a common occurrence - in fact, Killer was often seen playing with knives. Most of the time he was throwing them at the wall or seeing how much of someone's finger he could saw off without them noticing. They notice rather quickly according to his research.

"God, how long does it take for knocked out people to wake up!?" Killer asks himself, flinging his arms around and accidentally throwing his knife. It slips through his phalanges and lands with a clatter on the floor.

Killer grumbles something about how this is obviously Dust's fault as he reluctantly gets up to fetch his knife. 

His thrown quickly melts into a smirk when he flips said knife in his hands again, suddenly feeling a lot of satisfaction. 

That feeling of satisfaction is quickly trodden on when he feels the familiar coldness of Nightmare's aura.


"Awh! Hell, if it isn't my good ol' boss!" Killer spins around fastly, nearly tripping over stupidly.


Nightmare's eye light stares at the stupid skeleton in disgust. He may be crazy, but that doesn't mean he's allowed to be dumb. Nightmare thought bitterly.

"What is... this... doing here?" Nightmare hisses, glaring at a still knocked out Blue and then back at Killer.

Quick act dumb. Killer thought. "My God, how the hell did he get here?" 

Shit, not that dumb you idiot.


"Yes, Boss?" Killer asks innocently.

His boss sighs deeply before grunting. "Don't mess up your room any more than it already is. With... whatever you plan on doing with our good friend here." Nightmare waves a hand at the still knocked out Blueberry.

Killer's cheekbones flush a tiny bit. "Eh... well... thas a bit fast, dontcha think?" 

"Killer you are the most annoying person in the multiverse - you also happen to be very dirty-minded. I did not mean it in that way. Just don't make a mess, is all I said." Nightmare sighed again. He really hated his boys sometimes.

"Sir yes sir!" Killer said, mock saluting and grinning, a faint blush still present on his cheekbones.

"Never do that again or I will not hesitate to ask Horror to cook you into our next lunch." 

That was the last thing Killer heard from his boss before Nightmare quickly escaped. He was not looking forward to any snidey remarks or backtalk Killer had for him. 

Plus, he didn't want to actually be true to his words like he usually was. Yes, if Killer did salute him again he'd have to ask Horror to cook him into their next lunch. Nightmare was a monster of his words - he never lied. Unless, of course, it was to someone who he was trying to manipulate. Nightmare just got out of there before he had to be honest or tell a lie. He didn't like the latter in any situation except manipulation but he'd rather not have to eat Killer for lunch. Plus, he was a valuable asset to their team.

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