- Nightberry (3) -

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*Ugh do I need to tell you all what Nightberry is fr lmfao*

Also, this is short (1047 words) and mainly there for a laugh. It's very cracky and I was going to continue until 2000+ words and do a mini lime/lemon but I wrote it and thought 'Oh no that's too kinky' and so it never became a thing. Plus I didn't want to give Blue a pain kink and I also didn't want Blue to not like the pain because then it would have felt forced and this isn't the book for that.

This book is supposed to be light-hearted but there might be some mature chapters coming up when I discover my non-existent balls to finally write them.

Background ships I did for fun: Killerdust, Horrordust, Mad Time Trio, Killerhorror, Crosslate (not mentioned but this ship is canon in my eyes so it's there and you can't do anything about it), Bad gays (-Nightmare) together.

Blue sighed, groaning.

Not like that, you dirty sinner. Well... yet anyway.

Blue was groaning because it just so happened he was now being forced to sit at a Bad Sanses dinner party. Dinner party. It was as if they were 6-year-olds or something. Heck, Cross even sat down with Blue and had a tea party with him. He said something about how this'd be therapy for both of them.

He may have mentioned he was sorry for Blue since he sort of left him with Nightmare and then they saw what they saw in the bedroom.

Cross thought it was funny at first, but then he said he saw Nightmare and then Blue and realised just how painful that must have been.

Blue was not amused.

"Cross, for the last time, nothing happened!"

"Yeah, you keep telling me that buddy." Cross smirked, rolling his eyes.

Blue was quite fed up with all of them. They all needed to get their shit together. For one, their manners were appalling. Okay, they were Bad Guys but that didn't mean they had to slurp and eat like they were as starving as Horror.

Blue forgave Horror because he's Horror, but the rest of them were given very strict glares until they stopped wolfing down their food like their life depended on it. Skeletons didn't even need food for very long. You just needed it at least once or twice a week. Less than that gave you a starving skeleton and even less than that gave you Horror.

Nightmare shifted in his seat, his tendrils flicking as if they wanted to wrap around something and squeeze it until it burst. His face was rather turquoise.

If it weren't for the fact Blue was already suicidal after having to sit through a Cross tea party, one of Dust's talks with his brother, Killer turning up at his bed for an extra pillow (every single night he'd been there to the point where Nightmare had to restock his pillows every day and then threaten to murder Killer 16 times) and one of Horror's 'hunting games' (he was happy that Nightmare got him out of that if he was being honest) he may have just ignored Nightmare. Instead, he decided to ask him if he was okay.

You never ask Nightmare if he is okay. He is not, of course, so you're just making a fool of yourself or dying. No in-between.

"Nightmare, are you okay?" Blue asked, rolling his eye-lights.

Nightmare stared at Blue for a second. "Yes. Yes, I am, now be a dear and stop trying to kill yourself through my anger."

"Ah, spoiled again." 

"Of course."

Blue grunted, and looked down at his so far untouched food and then to Horror.

"Would you kill me if I didn't eat this?"

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