- (Yandere!Fatal) Fatalberry -

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*Fatalberry - Yandere!Fatal x Blue* 

*Implied Errorberry, Implied Genoberry (?), Implied Drinkberry (not what I was hinting at before) Implied Lustberry? Implied a lot of other ships jksjhfivheds (but mainly Errorberry and Genoberry (?))*

*Blue is writing at the start by the way, so don't freak out if you think the fourth wall is being broken. I have flex tape and super glue ready just in case-*

*Requested by: Petulanced + MysterysBooks*

*TW: A realistic version of Blue's entrapment in the anti-void, Error being a prick, Geno being a creep, Yanderes, Blue being traumatised, Referenced stockholm syndrome, Remembering trauma, Anorexia, Bad mental health, Abuse SORRY THIS IS PURE ANGST LMFAO THERE IS HARDLY ANY FLUFF AT ALL*

[POV: 'Blue']

"I was quite terrified, to say the least... this... random... unknown person just appeared out of nowhere and tried to take me. To take me. This had happened before. When Error came."

"I was fucking traumatised. I didn't want to go back to the anti-void, even if the person who was now chasing me didn't necessarily look like Error. But he had strings. I really didn't want to get caught by the strings. I hated them. How Error would make me hang in the strings, the strings cutting into my bone. Marrow dripping onto the blankness of the anti-void's non-existent floor."

"It was a nice change, to begin with. I could see something other than white or myself and to be honest, it looked lovely. How the redness paled into pink - like an ombre. It didn't look half as lovely when I finally realised it was my marrow and it hurt. It hurt so much. It hurt, even more, when Error would tell me he loved me and then throw me away into the strings again."

"Sometimes he'd force me to eat so much that I passed out, sometimes he'd not give me any food for what seemed like weeks. And time slowed down significantly in the anti-void - if it existed at all that is, because sometimes it felt like it didn't. Heck, most of the time I'd avoid the food anyway. Not that it wasn't good, but because I didn't want to take food from that... monster." 

"Well, we were technically monsters but you understand what I mean..."

"'Abomination' He'd call me. He called everyone else abomination too but when he called me it, it felt worse than anything I could ever imagine. Because before that he'd say I was 'adorable' or 'perfect' or 'his love'. But then the insults came and the unpredictable emotions. Every insult stripped something away from me; soon I was little more than a husk of who I was before. I lost my smile, my star-eye-lights, and probably the worst of all; my dignity, my 'innocence'. Soon I expected it. I expected to get hurt. I certainly didn't expect Ink to come and save me though. And Dream. That's when I met them actually."

"They were so kind to me. They tried so hard. And so did the other me that was with them."

"The better me."

"When I went home, I saw pictures of myself and my brother, Papyrus. Or, at least that's what Ink and Dream said. What the better me said. I couldn't remember him. He was a lost memory of my own, just like myself. Lost. I was so lost. The pictures, every single one with me on them... I couldn't see it. It wasn't me. When I looked in the mirror I didn't see the little happy-go-lucky skeleton in the pictures. His big smile, his happy face, his full cheekbones. All I saw was a skeleton who craved to see his own SOUL crumble away. I wanted to just die."

"I stopped eating food, I stopped seeing people, I stopped talking. I stopped... everything. I was barely breathing most of the time. I slept horribly too. Actually, I never sleep at all really, and when I did I dreamt of nothing. The anti-void did that to you. You either didn't sleep or you dreamt of the anti-void and only the anti-void. It was the only way I could decifer whether I was asleep back then - since there'd be no voices, no strings, no tortured SOULS. No Error."

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