- Bluefluff -

977 27 14

*Bluefluff - Ccino x Blue*

*Requested by: EkaDarkness*

Blue squealed and thrashed and writhed. He didn't know who this skeleton was and he certainly wasn't going to let him pick him up like he was trying to. 

"Shhh!! Stop it, please!" The skeleton growled, "I'm just trying to help you!"

Blue screamed for a good 5 seconds before he realised that the skeleton was telling the truth. His hands were lit with green, pulsing magic. He gasped when the skeleton bought his hand down gently on Blue's wounds.

"I've seen you before..." The skeleton muttered, before looking into Blue's eye lights. One does not do this and not get entrapped. That's exactly what happened. He felt like he was drowning. They were beautiful, to say the least, but they were also weirdly sad. Reflecting, somehow. 

Ccino could see himself in them.

"Are you okay?" Blue asked, now smiling softly. When Ccino gives him a shaky nod, Blue replies sternly, trying to get up. "You said you've seen me before?" 

The shorter nods again and tries to lift the slightly taller and very much bluer version of himself off the ground that just so happened to be soaked with this version's blood. Nice... not.

Ccino pants, he was not used to having to lift others if he was being honest - even if this version of him was a bit better at not eating junk food than him. "I'm Ccino, by... the way-"

"Oh, I know." Blue smiled. "I heard you make the best coffee in the multiverse. I was going to try some but..." He gestured to his wounds. "I'm a bit busy nowadays."

A faint blush appeared on Ccino's cheekbones. The most he usually got from other people was their orders, a rushed or forced thank you and the crap that Nightmare comes out with. Well, most of it isn't that crap because most of it is true. Ccino thinks that he deserves some people who love him though; saying he deserves nothing is a bit of a stretch. The only reason Nightmare has enough energy to do his shitty paperwork is because Ccino makes good black coffee. He wasn't one to downgrade someone else's opinions but Nightmare's opinions seemed unnecessarily harsh.

"Thanks... for the whole... umm... 'best coffee' bit... haha..." Ccino heaved as he teleported and almost clumsily fell over. "I do my best..." He winks as he drops Blue into a pile of fluffy pillows.

Ccino wasn't what the 'macho men' liked to call a 'sis' but he definitely appreciated fluffy blankets, animal slippers and pillows. What was life without such things? Oh, and he liked coffee.

"HEY!" Blue squealed, flinching a bit at the pain. He didn't blame Ccino though - since he was also healing and looking after him. He also gave him a bit of a laugh. It'd been a while since his laugh hadn't been forced.

Ccino laughed, he too had gone a while without a genuine laugh. It was nice. "Hey, don't moan, you're in the softest place in the multiverse! My pillow and blanket heap! Nice, isn't it?" He winked, falling onto another place in the pile.

"UHM NO!" Blue shouted with laughter, "This is my pillow blanket heap now!" He pushed Ccino off of the pillow blanket heap gently.

"Aw dammit! Looks like I'll have to go in the kitchen and eat all my healing food!!" Ccino cried dramatically, picking up Blue again and rushing into the kitchen. "If only I had someone to help me!" He finished, giving some healing food to Blue. "SUCH SADNESS!!"

"You're a weirdo," Blue said, eating some of the food. "But thanks anyway. The Magnificant Blue accepts food from anyone! As long as it isn't weird."

Ccino thinks about that for a second before snickering, "If I'm a weirdo, doesn't that make my food weird too?" 

"Well- I-...."

"Shut up..." Blue said, covering his now-blushing face. 

Ccino laughs again, his mouth starting to hurt from the smiling. Really. Smiling hurts.

"Don't worry, I swear I'm not really a weirdo normally. And my food is nice too. It's not poisoned. Plus, I never poison the food anyway, I poison the drinks. Duh. Coffee shop." 

Blue gasps, looking at Ccino terrified.

"PFFT- OH MY AsGORe!" Ccino shrieks, "That FACE! OH, GOD!"

The blue skeleton glares at the supposedly evil skeleton (he embarrassed Blue which ultimately makes him evil) whilst also starting to gobble down the food he gave him, mumbling in satisfaction.

"Despite you being evil-" Blue starts, but Ccino dramatically gasps, to which Blue continues, "I personally think your food is not weird and it actually pretty good!" Blue concludes, smiling, his eye-lights stars.

Ccino stares at him, his smile leaving his face. He's not used to compliments. A faint blush taints his cheekbones. "Oh, thanks I suppose..." He says, suddenly deciding that making a drink at that exact moment would be beneficial and interesting.

This was going to be a long day.


Words: 826

Sorry guys but writing feels like a chore these days (WRITER'S BLOCK YAYA) and I cannot do it for long enough to give you a quality 2000 word FUCKING ESSAY- okay jk but-

2000 words a chapter is too much for me right now but I really like getting to 2000 words

I'm just wondering if you guys like me to get to 2000 (minium 1500) words a chapter and have just ONE or split up into 800-1000 worded chapters.

The second one means better quality each chapter but the first one means longer wait but it all together and not having to wait a day or two for the second half

It's your choice. 

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