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Janson turned his back, boots slamming into the floor as his anger over took his strides.

Three more guards took his place, launchers at the ready as they advanced on the broken group. Cody has hauled up between the two following Janson, his feet dragging behind his limp body. All Minho's hope and fight was lost as he watched the broken boy dragged further out of reach.

The trail of blood following the group was all too concerning but Minho forced it to slip his mind as he struggled to his feet.

" Rob-in", he gasped our between shallow breaths, "If you're planning on fighting now would be a really good time"

Minho looked to the side to see Robin standing up, anger etched into her face with a heart full of revenge.

"You know you have lost when there is no one left behind you, but that doesn't mean you stop. You keep going until every possible chance is gone and you at falling to your knees."

Janson's back was still turned, believing that the group has lost hope.

A gun shot shattered the tension in the room and one of guards holding Cody up crumpled to the floor. Janson's spin round, confusion and then frustration creating lines on his face.

Minho didn't dare look behind him in fear of his own death coming. But a comforting voice had him spinning round.

"Well I've been shucked and gone to heaven!"

"Frypan! Brenda!"

"Didn't think we were going to let you have all the fun did you ", said the girl.

Janson's angry snarl had the group turning back to him.


"You can't be in control", gasped Robin, hand clasped around her stomach, pain etched into her face but Minho had to ignore it if they were going to end this. Ignore something that could kill, if only there was more time, but they had run out of exactly that.

"I can try", came Janson's reply as he raised the gun for the last time. "I may be alone but I am still stronger than everyone of you."

Time slowed down as the gun was fired.

It seemed that no matter what happened there was no escape, not for Minho, not for Cody and certainly not for Janson's but all that seemed to become irrelevant.

A pain filled scream erupted from behind Minho and the girl who was the spitting image of the boy Minho had fallen in love with fell to the floor with an echoing thud.

Helplessly watching from behind his friend, Frypan looked down at his final weapon. A grenade fashioned by Jorge to be used at only the last possible moment.

Something snapped in him, maybe it was the number of brothers he had lost, or the way that every single thing possible to hurt him had hurt him. He was done. And he was ready.

He ran.

He ignored the confused and worried cry of his name.

He ignored the blood that was sloshing under his feet from every person who had bled out in this hall.

He ignored the fact that he wouldn't survive. But if Minho did then it was enough.

His body slammed into Janson's and as they slammed into the floor, Frypan closed his eyes and pressed on the trigger.


"'s doesn't hurt-"

Frypan was destroyed, he had lost an arm and a leg with all of his body ,except his head and shoulders, covered by fallen debris from the ceiling. It was almost a miracle that Minho even got to say goodbye, yet it still didn't feel fair, it still didn't feel enough.

"No Fry-"

"I'm sorry minho, I knew that it wasnt your fault and I never wanted to loose you but I did and I'm sorry Minho. I'm- sorry...."

"Fry! Fry! No! No, you can't leave now, you gotta stay with me Fry, you have to."

Minho's hands roughly shook the limp boy's body, but it was in vain.

"Frypan!", the sobs that wracked his body sounded throughout the room, his pain evident in his voice. "Fry- Wake up, please Fry"

But he was gone.

They had killed Janson, they had won, so why didn't it feel good? Because the cost had been too great, because too many people had to die.

Minho was oblivious to the wounded girl struggling to crawl slowly towards her brother. Maybe if Minho had looked up he could've said goodbye to Cody too.

Brenda ran over to Minho, falling to her knees beside him, radio in one hand with the other resting on Minho's shoulder.

"Minho..Minho...we have to leave."

"Harriet if you're there we could use some support inside. It's clear. Anyone able to carry injured and medjacks too, we've had some serious trouble"

Hang on there Brenda, we're coming

"Minho we have to go, Minho we can't save them"


The extent of the boys pain was clear in every word as he screamed. He was defeated and lost and deep down knew his heart could never quite be whole again.

Minho's exhaustion got the better of him as the doors slammed open and a group of immunes burst through. They froze at the carnage infront of them before immediately separating the dead from the injured. Minho let his head fall to the floor, his eyes finding Frypan's, his body still warm.

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