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Harriet, Minho and Robin sat by the fire. Watching the flames cascade over the wood, swallowing it up.

The air was brisk on their cheeks but with the echoes of his friend's laughter rattling around his mind, he let himself believe maybe - maybe.

"Yo, Minho"

He turned, masking his thoughts with a cheeky smile.

"What you gonna do now Robin?"

She laughed,

"Don't look so serious mate, we're gonna go down to the edge and swim in the dark"

She whispered eerily. Minho rolled his eyes glad for her banter but secretly wishing she could dial down her annoying scale just a bit.

"Go on then", He gave in, speedily ripping his shirt off, the three of them racing towards the sea.


A shadowy figure observed as the trio sprinted to the water, splashing each other, their laughter and playful screams echoing throughout the night's stillness.

Another figure joined him, hand sliding into to his, only for a second. But a second of reassurance, a second of strength and a second of casualty.


Cool water trickled of Minho's face as he rose to the surface, hair dripping.

"Robin!!!! You cant-"

"Got ya Harriet"

But he ignored the petty arguments, coming from the last two people he had, when he knew that he should have savoured every moment with them.

He stared blindly into the dark sea, observing the patterns created by the moon that slithered with every splash, a rippling effect that would creat chaos. Chaos and destruction.


The hooded figure stepped closer, hands ballad into fists, he was ready for revenge.


Racing down to the beach, his arms pumping, heart pounding rapidly in his chest. But he wouldn't - he wouldn't. Well he would focus on his goal.

He saw his target, standing aside from the group, his eyes wavering, wondering, gazing at the patterns created by the moon that slithered with every splash, a rippling effect that would great chaos. Chaos and destruction.

Chaos and destruction the knife in his hand would create.


Minho flickered out of his daydream as a wave came crashing over his head. He tumbled and turned, startled, unable to move, unable to breathe. He came up gasping for air, arms flailing at his sides, as water streamed down his face. Minho coughed through the waterfall cascading from his dripping hair and he gargled something inaudible.

"Hey Minho, where you going?"

But he had already begun to stagger back to the beach.

"He's probably just being a wuss"

Robin complained, shrugging off any idea of possible danger that really she should never have overlooked.


Once Minho had reached, his idea of safety around the fire. He sat there, just sat there, wishing. Wishing but regretting, wishing he could go back in time, be able to stop things from happening, be friends with Frypan again, and just make it all go back.

He was so focused on this he never noticed the knife behind him, even when it hit.


Minho's vision blurred. He was lying on the floor, incomprehensible images swirling around him.


Blood. He felt it seeping through his trousers, his fingers lying limp beside them, even before he felt it. Felt the pain. Agonising, raw, harsh pain. The kind of pain that creeps up on you in the dead of night and lashes out when you're at you're weakest.

Lights flashed over his head, flickering, sparking, and for a moment Minho let himself believe he was back in the glade, watching as the fire raged, while inside safe from the grievers.

But his futile attempt at a glance of utopia was crushed by people screaming his name, people screaming but doing nothing to prevent the beating that had already begun.

Minho's head swirled as punches came raining down on him. Lights flashed behind his eyes but he made out a shadow, a face.

He could hear people screaming, threats in the background and a gunshot.


He wouldn't let himself be the reason anyone else died. This would NOT happen again.

Unable to sit there and watch history repeat itself, Minho gathered his last strength and screamed himself to a standing position.

Limping towards the shadowy figures, his fist clenched as anger raged inside him.


But there was no time to react to the warning, he was thrown back with one swift punch. The man held Minho's throat down as his legs pinned the boy to the ground.

Minho's chest spasmed rapidly as his choked throat gasped for air. But no matter what he did it wouldn't enter. The noises ricocheted around Minho, the screaming, the pleading, the battle.

He was unable to breath but paralysed,
unable to breath and panicking,
unable to breath-

And as darkness came in, when the noises had become silent and the lights flickered out he heard it, he heard it-


Brenda stood staring at the wall, fear wavering as she waited, she stood their waiting.

"They got him, I got away but Brenda. They got him"

Unable to turn and face the truth she asked the dreaded question.



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