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The days fleeted by, memories piling on top of one and other, the good and the bad counteracting their forces holding place for only flash-backs to remain.

Once again, Minho was gazing out of the cracks formed by the piles of wood that created the make shift cabin, which was - typical of Minho - a complete mess.

His thoughts were broken by a startled cry and he turned to see Harriet, who had slipped on a shoe and fallen face first into a pile of dirty clothes, Robin stifling uncontrollable giggles. And he allowed a grin to appear on his worn face and let the sun shining through the doorway sink into him. Warming him up as he shook away a couple of memories of the all too recent incidents.

He saw a figure standing behind the girls, a confused look on his face which turned into a cheeky smile as he understood the situation.

"Hey Cody", Minho said, the grin on his face widening although he tried to hide it. "Ready?"

Cody just smiled, but the smile turned into surprise as he felt a sharp object hit the back of his neck sending him sprawling to the floor.

There were startled cries as Minho rushed forward to help the boy to the floor, Cody blushed but quickly hid his reaction as Minho let go of his hands, embarrassed and unsure.

They turned at a mumble from Harriet as she picked the object from the floor, staring horrified at the writing inscribed within.

Minho stepped forward, shaky yet determined. He held a large rock in his hands, dull grey in colour in exception of the jagged writing carved into the stone in black.

"Your actions will not be left unturned, don't think this is the last of us"

The stone fell from Minho's hand as he stumbled out of the cabin, thoughts racing through his mind. He ignored the calls of his name that followed him down the path, leaning on the near by trees that masked the beginning of the forest.

He was startled by footprints coming up to stop just behind him, a gently hand resting on his shoulder. "It's not your fault Minho"

The boy turned. Although already knowing the identity of the figure behind him he released a weak smile before sliding to the rough grass beneath him.

Cody sat down beside him, a soft look on his face. He reached out, holding Minho's hand in his, his kind blue eyes emitting reassurance towards the shaken boy in front of him.

"I'm sorry, I just, ugh this is all my fault", He sighed, resting his head in his hands, hiding his pain from Cody.

"Hey Minho, hey", Cody whispered, lifting the boy's face in his hands, once again attempting to calm Minho's nerves.

"This was never your fault, you thought you were doing the right thing. I mean you weren't but enough people understand that you can't let this get to you."

Minho sighed, unsure.

"I know it's easier said than done. Hell it's a thousand times easier, but you are strong and a fighter."

Minho let out a sad smile before shaking his head, his eyes dull and shameful.

Cody took Minho's face in his hand, before leaning forward, his eyes flickered shut as their lips touched. He felt Minho hesitate, before leaning in, returning the kiss.

Cody pulled away, embarrassed. "Sorry, I - I don't know what I was thinking"

"Shut up", Minho smiled, leaning in once more.

"Now what is going on here?"

They broke apart, both smiling sheepishly as they grinned at each other before looking up at the girl towering over them.

Harriet just chuckled, a warm smile appearing on her face, "Get up love birds, I'm starving come on"

Minho laughed as he heard the typical words coming out of his friend's mouth before helping Cody up, hugging him as they watched Harriet roll her eyes. Smiling again, they followed the girl back towards the cabins.


Frypan stood by the make shift gates as Jorge waked unsteadily towards him.

"Come on mate", He sighed, hoping Jorge would forgive him, yet deep down blaming himself as he had pushed Jorge into this fight.

Jorge grimaced at the sight of his two best friends standing waiting for him, before taking a deep breath and resuming his regular position beside the pair.

The waked back to the cabin that housed him and Brenda, before the three of them collapsed into an uneasy sense of comfort, spread over the furniture and floor.

"What's happened?" Jorge asked, seeing the saddened looks on the faces of the two people sat in front of him.

"People have followed us, not followed us", He muttered, "Just copied what we've done."

"They've started again", Brenda whispered, taking over from a struggling Frypan, "They're copying what we've done and are lashing out at Minho and the few friends he has left"

"What do you mean?", Jorge asked, confusion spreading across his face.

"People are coming up to us, thanking us for beginning the retaliation against Minho, thanking us for not letting that son of a b* get away with anything"

"They think what we did was right, that Minho should never have gotten away with what he did and now they're making his life a living hell"

Brenda sighed, relieved to get it off her chest yet holding back the details of the immunes attacks towards the boy, with fear of worrying Jorge or making him blame himself.

Frypan gave a weak smile. "He's not alone though, he's getting closer to people and- and well I think he might have a boyfriend", He chuckled, glad to change the subject.

Jorge let out a laugh at the news, Brenda grinning sheepishly, eyes glancing towards Frypan, relaxing as she saw his shoulders unclench.

"Well at least he's not alone", Jorge chuckled.

Their laughs faded into the air, as they trundled on about the few things within the haven that could bring joy.

Little did they know they must be forced to savour this moment, as hell was just around the corner


A crackle from a radio echoed throughout the night. The boy stood staring at the sunset, thoughts swirling around his mind as he responded the call.

"Roger that", he replied, hearing it crackle again before he heard the response.

"Janson, over and out"

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