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People say that time heals all wounds, even a broken heart. But maybe those people just didn't love enough and in turn didn't get hurt enough. Because if anything is true, it's that once your heart is broken, it will never be completely whole again.

And Minho knew that.

He knew that Cody wasn't coming back and he knew that he had failed Frypan. He just didn't know where he had gone wrong, what he had done wrong. He stood before the solid structure in front of him that Vince had carved out of the cliff when the crosses had overloaded the ground and carved the last name into its rough surface.



*16 hours earlier*

The Berg stuttered before the engines died down and it fell the last few meters to the floor, landing with a bone shaking crash. No one dared to move.

And then a high pitch beep shattered the deafening silence.

"He's crashing!!!!"

The hologram above Cody's chest flickered dangerously as his heart rate soared before becoming consistant and then silent. A pained cry called the boy's name across the room but his sister couldn't reach him, she didnt get a chance to hold him one more time. She didnt get a chance tell him she loved him again. And she never would.

A sheet was dragged around the group of struggling medjaks as Cody's body stiffened then went limp, the light left his eyes but not before a single tear trickled from his eye.

Robin was frozen. Her heart had been ripped out of her chest, she couldnt even cry. She just stood there, visibly shattering into a million tiny little pieces.

An ugly sob wormed its way up her throat and erupted in the commotion of immunes trying to find safety.

The girl stumbled slowly out of the Berg, wishing she could get far enough away to drown out the noise of people.


She heard her brother scream over and over in her head, all that she had left of him were the tainted memories. The memories that Janson stole and twisted until pain was all she could associate with the safest person she had ever met. Tears trickled down her cheek as reality set in, she would never see him again, she would never see her brother again; he wouldn't her laugh, she wouldn't be able to make fun of him or scold hin for leaving his inhaler behind. She wouldn't get to hug him when she was sad or confide in him when she needed to scream. She had lost her other half and her chest hurt, her legs hurt, her head hurt and her heart ached for the boy that never failed to make her smile. She couldn't breath, the fear overloaded Robin and her lungs began to hyperventilate. Her tears mixed with dirt as she collapsed to the floor, body exhausted and giving up. Her rock who had promised never to leave her had done exactly that. She couldn't blame him but she had to so she didn't blame herself.

One of Robin's few promises to her twin brother was that she wouldn't fall like she did all those years ago. But she was, she was falling, falling hard. And the problem was she didnt want anyone to pick her up this time.

The idea dawned on the girl in a blink of an eye and suddenly she was consumed by it, consumed by the never ending thought that she was totally alone, that no matter what she did or who she let in, no one ever wanted her, no one ever loved her. Her heart ached as sobs racked Robin's body. She knew what she had to do. She knew she couldn't look back.

Suddenly, her face went hard, all emotion faded and only pure determination was left. It was as though a switch had been flicked and the world had suddenly become a dark mass of rain, thunder and fear that could never be saved. The crushing feeling on Robin's chest disappeared as she made her way back to the berg, made her way to the silent hospital bed.

The berg had been emptied shortly after Cody's death, people didn't want to have to see the deafening catastrophe that their attack had caused. As Robin stepped through the metal door her heart began to beat faster and she almost let herself consider another way. But the conflicting thought was gone in a second and a cold, fixed sensation of pain became permanent on the girls face.

Robin walked over to the limp body on the table. She climbed over the blankets and laid her head on her brothers chest. His hands were cold as Robin clasped them in her own. Silent tears trickled down her face as she quietly searched for a heart beat that she knew was long gone. And so she lay there, resting on the one person she trusted, feeling the stiff limbs every time she moved, but she was content, she was happy and content.

"Cody...", Robin whispered," I'm going to leave everyone behind, I know you never wanted to let me down and I'm not blaming you Cody. I love you more than I ever thought it possible to love someone and I am so so sorry that I couldn't save you. I tried to, I really did try but I- I couldn't save you and its breaking my heart. But I'm going to see you soon, don't be scared, I'm not scared, not yet. And I'm going to see you soon, I promise...I promise"


It was dark outside. The night sky consumed the makeshift buildings and the stars shone dimly through the clouds. Everything was silent

But silence always calls for disruption. In silence there is time for fear, there is time for breathing to become impossible and panic to rise, there is time for over-thinking to become reality. Time for mistakes and time for death.

Robin was lying still on the floor, her eyes wide as their deep blue colour began to freeze and fade to grey. A small object lay in her hand, clearly scavenged, from a once harmless item, out of desperation. Numerous cuts had been slashed across her skin, caking her arms in a thick sheen of red liquid. A bottle of Gally's recipe lay to the side of her limp form, the lid unscrewed and thrown away carelessly, with next to no substance left within. Littered around the bottle and her half closed hand, were small white ovals of medication. And while all this unfolded in front of Minho's eyes, and while maybe Robin wanted to be stopped, nothing was done.

Because what was there to be done?

So much, so much could've happened. Yet nothing did. And as the silence extended, so did Robin's fear. Anxiety burning through her chest, spreading within her and threatening to spill out of the very cuts that began her decision.

So be her final words, that would reach only the ears of her brother's true love, "While living may have been my biggest challenge, death will require my greatest courage"


Minho stood before the solid structure in front of him that Vince had carved out of the cliff when the crosses had overloaded the ground and carved the last name into its rough surface.


Harriet walked up behind the boy, her hand rested on his shoulder but this time Minho didn't flinch away.

He lent in to the touch and turned around, engulfing the girl in a hug.

"Minho...", she started.

"No. Don't say anything. I'm not going to fall this time", Minho replied.

Harriet's eyes found his.

"I don't need to anymore, I don't need to not be okay. I am going to live for all the people who never got a chance to. I'm going to live for Frypan and Cody and Robin and Thomas and Newt and Chuck. I'm going to live because my life isn't only destined to hurt, because I have you and I have a new home. Because I can survive"

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