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Why the shuck did you have to die Thomas? I should've tried harder to stop you going. I shoulda said something, at least said goodbye. I'm no good to anyone, whoever I vow to protect ends with their name on one of these crosses.

Minho took another step. The edge of the cliff only metres away. Memories flashed through his head.

The blood stains on the floor of the maze corridor.

The cliff,

Alby's cries for help as he raced to reach the limp body of his best friend before it was too late.

Just another step,

The screams as Newt yells "You shanks shoulda let me die"

One more,

Newt had jumped.

Newt was dead,
Winston was dead,
Alby was dead,
Chuck was dead,
Thomas was dead.

And Minho wasn't?

He didn't deserved to be alive, after all the pain the others went through, they should have lived not him. Minho stepped forward, one foot hovering over the edge of the cliff.

What would one more death matter anyway?

It wouldn't...

No one needed him. Frypan would be better of without him and he had practically told Brenda to go die in a hole.

A single tear trickled down his cheek. He deserved this...


Frypan looked frantically about the camp. Minho hadn't been in his cabin like he'd said. The last person who had seen him was Brenda but she was in no state to tell him anything.

When he tried to ask her where Minho was, he'd found her huddled in her bed next to Jorge, the man killing any questioning looks with the anger that  flamed behind his eyes. His fists clenched dangerously tight.

Fry had no idea what Minho had said but it seemed as thought he had ripped her heart out. He uttered a frantic apology and staggered out of the room, hopelessness filling him up inside.

He ran through the maze of cabins, scanning faces for a glimpse if his best friend. People started at him as he sprinted past, some having the courage to ask if he was alright. But he couldn't hear them, not over the noise of his feet pounding the floor or over the thumping of his heart that shook his whole body.

Something wasn't right. His body racked with hyperventilating breaths, as he reminded himself of his promise to Thomas.

Protect them, promise me you will protect the all, promise-

But the fear was surging through him and the knowledge that he might loose his last best friend sunk him to his knees, a pained cry hanging in the air.

But the scream he heard next, it answered every question.

The sound of his name being called mirrored the pain in Alby's voice when Newt had been dragged from the maze that night...

His heart raced as he sprinted towards the cliff. He could see the silhouette of someone standing up there, dangerously close to the edge.

"NO"' he yelled in a futile attempt to gain the attention if whoever was up there.

He would not let anyone else die.


Everything was a blur. Thoughts spiralled around in Minho's head but the only consistent one, the one that constantly tormented him day by day,
that he'd let them all down. He let them all down.

He promised Alby he'd take care of Newt and that had failed, he'd promised Newt he'd take care of Thomas, and he was dead too. The only person he hadn't let down was Frypan and even though he knew doing this would break his friends heart.

He had no choice.

He heard a cry far off, but it was muffled as if he wasn't hearing the same as everyone else, a change of fear that strengthened his desperation.

A few seconds later there was another cry, this time closer, more desperate.

One more step.


It was Minho. The figure standing ready to greet death was Minho.

"MINHO", Frypan shouted, but there was no reaction from the boy on the cliff.



His name. His name was being called. Why would anyone want to call his name? Maybe it was to save him, but no, he couldn't let whatever or whoever it was stop him. He had to do this, it would be better for everyone. He had to.

One more step.

He was so close.


The voice shook him, it was Frypan. Maybe he shouldn't. But no, if he stopped now, Fry would be the next body he was forced to burry, the next name to carve into wood. But today, today, the first and last day Minho would accept his fear.

He turned to face the boy sprinting in desperation towards him. Another tear trickled down his cheek.

"I'm sorry", he whispered, the wind carrying his voice away to join Frypan's. despair...

And he took a step back.

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