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Good luck man

The radio fell silent, leaving the small group to the sound of gunfire and screams.

Minho looked up from the radio, eyes connecting with Robin's. Alongside the fear and adrenaline, he saw guilt and almost regret. As though some how she had convinced herself this was her fault.

He slipped his gun into his hand, the motion seeming to have shattered the glaze over Robin's eyes and the fiery determination returned.

Alongside Minho and Robin stood 7 immunes. All previous properties of WCKD. Vince had made clear that this group was to remain hidden, with the team dressed in the scavenged WCKD uniforms from the safe haven massacre. The only distinction was the lanterns hanging from the straps crisscrossing their shoulders, a way for the immunes to know who they were.

In the middle of the group stood a tall girl, fair brown hair and a locket tucked beneath her shirt. She was fiddling with it. She looked at Minho with great fear in her eyes, a huge sickening feeling sitting high in her stomach that told her this wouldn't work. But she pushed it aside as Minho cocked his gun and stepped out from the tree line.

The group halted at the scene in front of them. Chaos, destruction, pain. Minho shook his head, clearing his thoughts.

He saw Frypan take a defensive position, resting his gun on an upturned crate while Vince advanced, taking out incoming guards with knifes held in both hands.

He saw Jorge stepping forward slowly, a miniaturised machine gun resting on his hip, taking no prisoners.

He saw Brenda creating cover for a med-jack while the latter knelt beside a limp body.

But he saw them winning.

Robin was a step ahead of him and he followed her to the side of the compound, feet pounding into the ground as they sprinted for cover, desperate to avoid the attention of the guards.

The group huddled behind the corner of the bars jutting out from the side of the towering metal door. A startled yelp had the groups head's spinning round before a fist collided with Robin's face. Minho lunged forward, yanking the guard of the girl and digging his elbow into the man's stomach before bringing his knee up sharply, connecting painfully with flesh and silencing the guard who fell to the ground motionless.

The radio crackled suddenly.

Anyone! The RA failed, we're retreating to the Berg but we're not alone
We can't keep-
*gunfire and screams*
How do you work this damn thing

But the final voice was not Harriet's, or Sonya's or Aris'.

"Fry you hearin' this"

Yeah man, I've got five I can send but they're on their own. Minho just get inside and get the Taken so we can get the shuck outta here

"We gotta go in Minho, I know this hasn't helped but neither will leaving Cody and the others."

Minho nodded curtly at Robin's words. Before tilting his head sideways when the coast was clear and the small group of immunes, dressed as soldiers, entered the WCKD compound.


Cody was still hanging from the ceiling, the chains cold against his burning hot skin, his back cut up, bloody and scarred while his chest remained bruised and broken his shirt ripped to pieces and hanging limply across his shoulders.

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