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Cody stared at the boy lying limp on the bed, unsure what to do, incapable of support yet capable of help. His hair flopped over his eyes as he leant to listen to the boy's chest.

They had said his name was Minho, that he was the boy who betrayed them all and out of cowardice provoked others to attack him. But Cody had seen this boy, seen him around, silent and shy, yet comforting and kind, and within Minho he saw none of the rumours. Only a worn out boy who needed someone to pick him up and promise him it would be ok.


Minho's eyes opened. Taking in his surroundings, he was broken to be once back here, but once realising the cause, he-

He realised a scream into the night, lungs burning as he lashed out at no-one.

A boy came running in as Minho sat himself on the edge of the bed, attempting to stand.

"Woah, hold your horses"

The boy reached him just in time, as his injured leg buckled and he was sent crashing to the floor.

Although cushioning his fall, the boy still apologised, fare hair hanging over his face as he picked Minho back up and helped him back to the bed.

For a second Minho saw someone, someone he knew inside this boy.

It was the same look Newt had given Thomas that day, the day neither had a choice. Yet not just the regret and fear, but the kindness and the support that will be waiting for you night and day, through dark and light.

"Minho", he said, holding his hand out.

The boy stared at him as though he had never been approached in this way, "Cody", he whispered, shaking the hand.

"Come on mate, don't be so hard on yourself", Minho joked, silently pleading he could ease Cody's anxiety.

"I'm fine", he smiled, rubbing of the compassion in Minho's voice, not out of hatred just- just-

"Hey, you look familiar, are you Robin's brother?"

"Yeah, she's my twin, But IM older"

Minho laughed, and settled as he saw Cody's shoulders relax slightly.


Once again sunrise woke him, the shadows cascaded over his face as the bars tormented his mind, toying with him. But the man never once let it tempt him, knowing it would lead to days longer in here. So he sat there, drifting between restless sleep and unstable reality. Knowing one day his time would come.


Although Cody masked his fear as he tied up his shoelaces, he couldn't shake the feeling that whoever had attacked Minho would come again.

He bounced up releasing himself from this thought as he began.

The trees washed past him, feet stomping the plants flat below him, his sweaty chest heaving with every breath.

Unfortunately though, his lungs could hold out no longer and the typical feeling rose inside him once more and Cody fell to the floor, wheezing.

"Hey bro...Damn it Cody, you have to be careful, you know the shit your body puts you through"

"Yeah, yeah", Cody mumbled, rubbing of his sister's complains and slowly climbing back to his feet.

"You ain't got it with ya have ya"

He looked at her, frustration shining through his face.

"Ugh boys", Robin muttered, rolling her eyes, "Let's get ya back, the med shack will have somethin' "


The pair were sat on the bed, Robin rubbing here brothers back as he breathed in heavily twice, his inhaler puffing as it calmed down his lungs.

"Hey! What happened? Oh my god Cody are you ok?-"

Minho stood at the door way fearful as he saw the horror (in his mind) in front of him.

Cody released an embarrassed smile as his sister began laughing at Minho's shocking worry.

"Ugh- Um- Sorry i thought you were um- someone um- someone else"

He backed out of the room, his face turning red before he staggered away, pleading they wouldn't see his uncomfortable retreat.

"That boy is something else..."

But while Robin ranted about Minho, Cody let a smile slip onto his face, secretly overjoyed that someone had cared, let alone Minho, he laughed remembering their words the night before. And although once again masking this, he would never forget it.


The day had slipped through the man's fingers. The only hints of reality; the sun drifting through the sky and the regular visits with a tray of, what they had in mind, would sustain him for the day.


The man looked up at the call of his name, his blank face portraying senses of guilt as he viewed the girl approaching him.

"Brenda I-"

"Save it Jorge. How the- What the- Ah what have you done?!"

"I was just trying to protect you, I- "

"Protect me? Or lash out your frustration and anger on a person who was struggling enough?"

"You know what he said to you, I couldn't let-"

"Yes I know what he said, but I...I"

"You see, too many people have been hurt, not just him, all of us have been put through absolute hell, all of us! And he thinks he can get away with putting more hell on others all over again!"

"He knows what he's done, he knows and he feels awful. I see him everyday as he walks uncertainly around the camp, I see his hands limp at his sides, I see the pain etched into his face, the emotional scars. I do see the boy who lashed out, but who only lashed out, out of fear, guilt and a thousand other things we will never know. You- It's not fair to- You- You cant blame this on him, he does it enough himself"

"I'm sorry, but you know my reasons"

"I do", she pulled out a package, "This will get you through the night"

" It will be ok in the end"

"And if it's not ok, it's not the end"

Jorge allowed his cheeks to rise as a smile appeared on his face, their traditional parting held close to his heart. And he knew then, that no matter how many mistakes he made, no longer would he be forced to make them alone.

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