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White lights.
Too many white lights.
Too bright, too much.
Falling and falling.
So many people screaming.
Just stop.
Just make it all stop.


Someone was screaming his name. Why the shuck were they so loud. Was there not someone else they could bother? Maybe Thomas or Newt or someone who wanted to deal with the problem, because right now he just-


Minho's eyes flickered open, blurring slightly as the dim sunlight entered. As he began to adjust to his surroundings, Minho's anger heightened, as he recognised the brown wood panels of the med-jacks shack, the one on the beach in their so called safe haven. He let his head collapse back onto the pillow.

Why? Why am I still here?

The door swung open, banging heavily against the wall and he was jerked out of his thoughts as someone came rushing in. Struggling to his feet, Minho hesitated when he saw who it was.

Frypan was stood there, staring, eyes wide.

"Fry, I-"

"No you don't get to explain yourself. How could you do this? How could you leave me?"


"You're not the only one who lost someone you know. They were my friends too, my brothers. And it's like you just expect everyone to be ok, like you're the only one who's allowed to feel anything"

"Frypan, I'm sorry, I just-"

"You just what? You just weren't thinking?"

"No I-"

"Then tell me, tell me why you would try to throw yourself of a cliff edge when you damn well know there's people who give a shuck about you"

"I JUST COULDN'T TAKE IT OK! I couldn't- I couldn't take it. Not anymore. All the people congratulating me, making me feel like I had survived when really I died the night they did, only they get to escape this hellhole and I'm still stuck here."

"Yeah, we all are, but we don't let it get the better of us. You know some of us are actually trying to stay strong, you know, for the people we call friends?!"

"I'm sorry, I-"

"No, you made your decision, and you decided to leave. I just- I was only coming here to see if you were ok, and you are"


"Don't Minho, not yet"

It wasn't until he slammed the door shut behind him that Minho let out an uncontrollable cry. Instantly fresh sobs wracked his body and his knees buckled causing pain to shoot through his back as he reached the floor, a pain that was washed away along with any hope and optimism left within him.


He was staring at the same point in the crooked window, he was when she last came to check on him.


No reply.

No expected reply, she believed his mind to be blank, to be emotionally drained, tired though just a phase he would get through. Little did she know.


Minho counted the 57 different shades of brown for the third time before turning his attention to the note he had begun to write. He wanted to apologise, he wanted to justify his decision, he wanted Frypan to talk to him, he wanted-

But he turned his head away, shame covering his eyes as he tipped the pot of pain relief down his throat and gurgled them away.


Minho looked up, shocked anyone would want to approach him, secretly pleading it to be his best friend.

She was standing at the doorway, hair neatly braided into four. Her clothes correlated with the colour of his bedsheets and he knew her role immediately. Med-jack.


"Hang in there", she laughed," I'm just here to help"

She walked over, picking up a bottle of Gally's recipe and poured it onto a cloth, gently dabbing at the cuts littering Minho's body.

"So, you've been out of it for a day and a half, I'm Robin-"

He winced in pain, though knowing he was only facing consequences of his own actions. Her voice faded into the background as he attempted to hide it.

"- and they where all like, NOO, YOU'LL HURT YOURSELF and I was like, UGH STOP BEING A BABY and then Fry-"

His head snapped up at the name,

"Is he ok?"

She shrugged, "You messed him up real damn good Minho"

"I apologise for my friend here", a voice came from outside the cabin.

Minho stepped forward, limping slightly but refusing to give up until-

He winced as the sun shone in his eyes, but made out Harriet, a Group B survivor.

"Hey", he smiled weekly

"You dumb shank", she whispered, pulling him into a tight hug.

"It's gonna be ok mate", Robin walked towards him, hand resting on his shoulder.

"I know it ain't been long but we've started to rebuild and klunk. You know, the usual"

Minho let himself smile for a split second, relishing in the bittersweet happiness of being in the sun before composing himself, not letting anyone break down his barriers.

Until he saw it, saw the immunes, saw what they had built. Saw the reason Frypan stopped him, yet he knew he would never completely understand.

He took another deep breath.
Accept it.
Live with it, or -
or -
- you can't take it
And then what...

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