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"Coming in to range Vince, but I gotta warn you this klunk of metal ain't gonna last much longer"

"Just little bit more Jorge, if this Berg don't last, neither will we, and you ain't a damn good pilot for nothing"

"You got it"

Vince turned from the cracked control panels, to face the group in front of him. The remaining immunes. The ones who spent years trying to break out of WCKD's walls only to be breaking back in now. Except this time they had more to fight for, not just their lives, but the lives of the people they've known for as long as most of them can remember. And loss is a trial Vince sure as hell didn't want any of them to go through. Not again.

"Alright?!", he plastered on his battle face, hoping his doubt would remain hidden, "We all know the drill, Harriet, Sonya, you're taking the back, make sure to draw those shanks to you, so this lot actually gets a damn chance."

"You got it Vince"

"The rest of you lot know your roles. From here we stay close, we stick together, we get through this, we get them out now...or we die trying"


Another cry escaped Cody's broken and split lips. Pain laced through him as Cain's sickening grin made way for another strike.

For the first day Cody had fought back, lashed out, never breaking or showing weakness. But, as the hours trickled by, as the pain intensified, as his hope diminished, Cody began to accept no one was coming.

"Well isn't this a sight for sore eyes"

Cody's head snapped up as an all too familiar figure stepped through the door.

"They're gonna come for you Janson"

"Oh Cody. Who are you trying to convince?"

Janson stepped closer.

"This is a means to an end Cody. And while you hold up that brave facade, we both know, sooner or later, you. will. break. And boy do I hope i'm here for that day. The day your precious Minho sacrifices himself for a boy who is a shell of the person he once was. The day Minho realises the truth, that you, poor little Cody, is the reason behind all his pain."

"You're wrong", but the doubt was evident in Cody's voice.

"You see Cody, you were only ever born to die"

With a nod to Cain, Janson backed out of the room, a sly grin flashing across his face before the large metal door slammed shut once again.

Cody clenched his fist as the sound of the table being dragged forward, echoed through the room. His nails dug into his palms as he attempted to push his anxiety down, attempted to remain stony faced and unbreakable. But while attempt was all he could do, it would never be enough.


The Berg touchdown in the cover of the forest engulfing the rebuilt WCKD compound. The night remained pitch black, no star in sight, as though all bright hopes for their success had been crushed.

The group was lit by the torches hanging from the belts of each immune, a weapon cradled awkwardly in their hands as many failed to remain strong.

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