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The crash echoed throughout the settlement. Waking so many from their dreamless sleeps as the walls shook and dust fell from the wooden shacks in waterfalls. Screams erupted from the far side of the camp, rocks rolling down from the cliff, crushing everything and everyone in their stride.

People flooded out onto the path ways, sprinting in desperation towards the woods, hurriedly attempting to avoid the assumed 'natural disaster'. But Minho knew better.

Hearing his name being yelled out. He turned his head sharply to see Harriet, Robin and Cody. Eyes wide as the began to yell and scream all over again. But their cries were lost into the commotion and Minho had little time to react to the shower of bullets; possible only to come from one place.

A berg.

He saw the blinking lights reflected on the wooden debris surrounding him, only visible through their intensity and the destruction caused only moments ago.

Screams pierced the air once more. Minho hurled himself behind a standing shack, shoulders buckling against the hardened grass as another round of bullets ricocheted around him.

He heard a cry, laced with fear and pain. One more cry and he panicked, racing towards the source. But he was too late.

A body fell to the floor.
Blood forming a pool around the body.
And a scream.
Little did Minho know or even realise, the scream, the noise.
It was coming from him.

Hands grabbed onto his shirt before the owner skidded to a halt as he took in the sight in front of him.

Minho stuttered, his breath catching in his throat.

"Hey, Minho!"
"Minho we gotta go, we gotta go now!"

But the boy couldn't move, his arms still hugging his face, the conflict inside his mind retaliating only with fear and guilt.

"It's my fault"

"Minho we have to go!"

"They're here for me"


The shout snapped the frozen boy out of his living nightmare, wide eyes turning to rest on Cody's fearful ones.


He nodded, taking the hand attached to his shoulder as they ran towards what was left of the safe haven. Leaving the wreckage behind them.
Leaving the body.
Leaving the message.
The message written in blood, vowing to strike anger and regret but most of all fear, and a lust for revenge. One that had sparked so much in the boy who was previously frozen before it.

"We have returned with more force than you can imagine and no one - no one will get in our way"


Feet pounding.
Heart racing.
Breath shaking.

They reached the sanctuary of the trees to turn. Screams echoed throughout the night sky as the bullets rained down of the immunes, taking no prisoners.

A cry came from somewhere behind the pair.


People all around them fell to the floor, arms covering their faces in a futile attempt to protect themselves against the incoming grenade.

White lights exploded above their heads as another bomb erupted, too close for comfort.

Cody turned as a voice called out.

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