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The white walls flickered in and out of focus as Cody blearily rubbed sleep from his eyes.

"C-SHP; Step away from the door"

Everyday. Everyday like clockwork the guards would come with enough to sustain the kids, the prisoners, or as WCKD referred to them, subjects. Any attempt at escape would result in injury, in pain. And while they were all together, the days trickled through Cody's fingers. His fear heightening with every shout through the door :did they know, did they know he lied: His hope dwindling with every hum of the generator on low power mode at night :were they coming, were they, were they, they're not here today, they weren't here yesterday, whats to say they will be here at all...

A small cry split Cody's speculation. A sob made him spin around.

"Niamh! Hey, hey it's ok. It's ok"

He pulled the trembling girl into his arms.

"Hey, hey, Niamh wake up, Niamh it's just a dream. Niamh-"

Her fearful eyes snapped open wildly searching for any sense of security, before resting Cody's worried but calming face. "It's alright, I got you, you're safe"

She smiled weakly before her eyes flickered away, pain prominent within them.

"You know what I just learned?" Cody questioned, desperate to take the edge of Niamh's fear. She looked up at him curiously.

He shuffled back, letting her sit up before holding out his hands.

"Hydron!", she giggled, allowing excitement to replace the discomfort and fear.

The pair sat, arms at the ready. "3...2...1"

Niamh crossed her arms protectively across her chest as Cody flicked his wrists, the attack motion. Cody groaned as he lost the first round causing the grin on Niamh's face to widen.

"Round 2, come on, I am not losing", Cody demanded playfully as Niamh laughed again. And the boy let their situation slip his mind for a few moments, wanting to hold onto the slight happiness before it was broken.


The group had unsettled into an dispute as arguments flittered about Minho's head. Frypan and Brenda were too his right, combatting Vince who believed they should pick themselves up and move on. Harriet was opposite and arguing with Jorge on the possibility of actually surviving any rescue that was attempted. But the words flittered unheard around Minho, his mind battered and bruised, all hope starting to trickle away.

"STOP", A sudden shout echoed throughout the crowd, each and every one of them halting their conversations although glares were led to the source of the cry.

Robin was stood somewhat to the side of the group, eyes cast down.

"Stop", she repeated. "We are going to pick ourselves up. We are going to save them. And we are going to survive."

"Robin just listen for a second-"

"NO!!", she yelled, frustration igniting behind her eyes as she turned to face them. "No. You listen- Listen to yourselves. We are supposed to protect people, this was supposed to be a safe haven, this here was supposed to stop all that out there", gesturing towards the open ocean her voice broke slightly. "We have lost so many, and we will loose so many more. And I for one do not want to surrender anymore names to those crosses, I don't- I refuse to lose anyone else."

"Yeah but Robin, we tried this once, we tried to stop WCKD and how much did we suffer as a result of it, how little have we been left with", Brenda's voice had broken the silence, "I want to save them as much as you do but it's just not as simple as that"

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