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"We have to think this through"

"There's no time, I'm not going to sit here waiting to watch them die"

"Minho, let's not jump the gun here, all right?"

"I can't Fry, I can't do it"


But his back was turned and he showed no signs of choosing to stay.


They all spoke of the boy no one could break. They all spoke of the empty look in his eyes as the interrogations seemed to sail past him, his mind blank, his face hardened. As though there was no person left within.

And they all spoke of the screams that filled the WCKD hallways as deafening and calloused, yet like a broken record on repeat while the pain never stopped.


Minho crashed into something in front of him, the darkness halted his vision but the call of his name later left no room for speculation.

Robin's voice cracked, her breath shaky.

"I can't let you leave Minho", she whispered as he attempted to push past her.

Everything that had been building up inside Minho since the destruction of the Safe Haven boiled up, his frustration sky rocketed with unwanted tears threatening to spill from his watery eyes. All the pain, loss, guilt, all of it came crashing over his head. With overwhelming anxiety creeping across his chest, his patience grew thin.

"Look, Robin, I'm so sorry about what happened with Cody, but you gotta let me leave. Robin!"

But as his anger grew so did hers, flames suddenly sparking within her eyes. Her hand snapped out, cutting of Minho's path in between the hammocks.

"Shove it Minho, you don't get it do you?! You think you're the only one hurt by this"

"No- I-"

"Yes you do! It wasn't just Cody that got taken, you know that right? Lily, Owen, Stevie, Niamh for shuck's sake and all she ever wanted to do was help people."

She took a deep breath. Despite trying to control her feelings, every word was thick with emotion.

"And here you are, risking your life for him, something you know he would never want you to do. I get it Minho, I really do, it's Cody alright? I get it."

He just shook his head.

"But running in there," her voice shook as she relaxed her arm before taking a tentative step towards him. "To turn yourself in or not, it won't solve anything, and you know it."

She moved forwards gently, slipping the bag off Minho's shoulder before placing it down by his feet.

"And as much as that path seems the right one now, you're going to catch yourself tumbling into a tunnel with no light at the end. Hell Minho, every bone in my body is begging me to let you go, to go with you. But I've been through enough klunk, some just like this, to know it won't end the way you want it to. WCKD will just keep taking and taking until there's nothing left. I won't lose you too Minho"

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