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He fell to the floor, the fifteenth lash sending pain ricocheting throughout his body. His knees buckled sending him crashing face first into the concrete beneath him, unable to catch himself due to the binders clasping his wrists together.

"Now, you wanna give us that location now, or the radio frequency? Come on kid, you know this is your last opportunity to save yourself all this trouble. I won't be asking again now will I?"

Cody lay gasping on the floor, eyes clamped shut, begging for it all to end. Maybe just maybe. And then-

The solider took a last look at the boy lying in front of him. He shrugged.

"If that's what you want."

Upon hearing the man shift behind him, preparing for another strike-

"STOP! Stop, I'll tell you- I'll- Just stop"

He heard a menacing laugh echoing around the room and gasped in pain as the solider grabbed his hair pulling Cody to stand and turn to face him, annoyance striking across the older man's face.

"That's it.", the solider let a sly grin slip onto his face. "Now what is it you want to tell me?"

"33° West 75° South"

"And the frequency?"

"You got what you want, I can't-"

A punch slammed into Cody's stomach making him cry out in pain as he doubled over as much as possible in the soldier's tight grip.


The shout harrowed Cody's inside, fear snaking it's way into his heart, desperation forcing a set of numbers into his next words.

"143 6695"

"Good", he growled. The solider threw Cody to the floor once more, grinning as he left the room. "Oh and one more thing. If I find out you're lying, you will regret it". He emphasised the last words before slamming the door shut.


Cody felt his heart racing as he allowed his head to rest painfully on the stone floor. Blood trickled slowly down his sides, the cuts lacing his back deep. His shirt was ripped and lying torn around his chest. As every movement spiked pain within him and Cody could barely lift an arm without grimacing. His breath was shallow as he slipped in and out of consciousness. He felt more blood slipping down his cheek from the broken nose he had acquainted due to the carelessness of the guards. Cody's heart sank; how had he got into this, all he wanted was to help people, but he couldn't- he couldn't even help himself.

Deep down he knew no one could save him, not after his pain, not after the threats, not after his lies.


Harriet was gazing into the sunset, sitting high up in one of the trees when Robin found her. Harriet felt the branches move as her friend came to join her, yet not wanting to make eye contact for fear of breaking down, for fear of showing her pain and regret, for fear of letting people see her emotions getting the best of her.

Harriet had always seen herself as other people's rock, the one they could go to, the one who would be their shoulder to cry on. And everyone loved her for it, they saw her as a friend to all, never judging or discriminating, a kind heart that was echoed by every move and choice she made. But even she couldn't hide her pain any longer.


That word broke her.

Tears streamed from her face, eyes blurry as she turned to look at Robin. She bit back another sob as she saw herself reflected in her best friend.

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