The new boss Part 1

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10.8k reads. Well first of all thank you, but why do you guys even read my stories I mean I think they're awful.


"Excuse me everyone, can I have your attention please. I'd like to introduce your new boss Mr Clifford" Everyone immediately stopped their typing and chatting and looked up. Quite recently the office had been informed that Mr Banks was leaving, although we all knew he was fired, and some spunky young guy was taking over. What I didn't account for was him to be so attractive.
"Call me Michael, please. I'm not going to talk for long, don't worry, you can soon get back to raiding the biscuit tin and playing solitaire" He gained a few laughs and a couple of eye rolls but the majority of people were far too busy checking him out, i.e me. "I can't wait to start working with you all and I have an open door policy. If there are any concerns don't hesitate to let me know" he smiled and sauntered off to his office before Mabel, my friend from the cube over rolled over in her spinning chair to me.
"You have to hit that" she said, closing the file I was currently working on.
"He's our boss"
"Our hot boss"
"I could get fired"
"He could be great in bed"
"I need this job"
"So sleep with him. Show him the best time of his life and he'll be forced to keep you on the pay roll" Mabel said like it was the most simplest thing in the world.
"I'm not a slut"
"Be a slut for him" Now usually, I'm not the type to give into peer pressure but she, being the 24 year old who always uses all the cream in the kitchen for her coffees, was right. He was extremely hot in that lovely kind of way that tied your stomach in knots when you accidentally made eye contact with him. 

I re-opened my file and carried on scribbling down the boring facts and figures whilst Mabel rolled away with a smile on her face. I glanced up to his office and we both accidentally made eye contact, which he couldn't help but smile at as I blushed furiously and decided to hide in the kitchen for a few minutes or perhaps until the end of the day.

"Hiding won't solve your problem" Mabel said as she followed me and switched the kettle on.
"Who said anything about hiding? Maybe I just fancied a brew"
"Oh yeah sure, my mistake" she sarcastically remarked rolling her eyes and grabbing two mugs.
"I don't actually want one"
"This isn't for you" I was waiting for her to elaborate but she was far too busy dunking half of the brand new cream pot into her drink.
"One day we'll get an email telling us to bring in our own cream because someone couldn't bother to share" 

Instead of responding she handed me one of the cups that I attempted to politely decline but it was then thrusted into my hands. "Give it to Mr Clifford, you numpty!"
"I most certainly am not a numpty!"
"Thats a very numpty-ish type of thing to say"
"That's not even a word"
"Geez y/n, stop stalling and go!" She said, unbuttoning a button on my shirt and pushing me out of the door. Due to the impact a couple of drops spilled from the cup which I made a mental note to yell at Mabel for later.

Just as I was about to walk into his office, Gary, who's the oldest member of our team, walked out. I gave him a polite smile but he didn't return it. "How can I-Oh, oh hello" Michael spoke looking up from his computer smiling.
"Hi, thought you could do with an energy boost" I smiled, holding up the cup and placing it on his desk.
"You're a life saver, thank you"
"Well, I wouldn't say that"
"Nonsense! How bad did Mr Banks leave this place? All I've gotten for the entire morning was complaints"
"Well we are English here" He nodded picking up his cup and taking a sip, he motioned for me to sit down, which I did, after I looked over at Mabel through the crack in his door who was motioning for me to sit on his lap. "So other than that, how are you finding it here?"
"It's a challenge for sure but I think I may just like it"
"Oh, and why is that?" I asked, crossing one leg over the other and looking into his eyes. He placed his cup down and  folded his arms, leaned back into his chair before speaking "Just a feeling"


I'm sorry to be so annoying and put this in two parts, but I hope that you enjoyed it somewhat. 

I haven't wrote for a couple weeks so I'm a bit bad at getting it to flow, and is it me or do half of my sentences not make sense?

Dedicated to @GrierLover1 because she's a fellow Michael girl!:)

Okay, I'm going to leave now. Thanks for reading!:D


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