The new boss Part 2

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You should probably read the first part.

11.9k wtf you guys are the greatest!


"So how long has it been?"
"A month"
"And how much progress have you made?"
"Well I bring him coffee every morning and we have a lovely chat"
"A lovely chat?" I groaned and picked up the mug that Mabel handed me. It had sort of became a routine. Every morning at around 10 Mabel and I would saunter into the kitchen, she'd make the drinks as I was simply atrocious at that and I'd take all the credit. There was no way in hell I was going to inform her that last week Mr Clifford mentioned that these drinks were the highlight of his day. No way.

"Shut up, Mabel. I told you I couldn't do this, he's our boss"
"You need to take one for the team" She raised her eyebrows at me and jabbed my shoulder trying to make herself seem intimidating or something stupid like that.
"What is this team you're on about?"
"The me and you crew!"
"That's just diabolical"
"You can't even spell diabolical"
"Ugh, just stop, you can't force me" I walked out of the kitchen and towards Mr Clifford's office, seeing as he announced that he has an open door policy it was pretty strange that his door was closed, unless he was talking to someone. But the blinds were closed.

I casually peered around the room and caught sight of Mabel who was making some very explicit hand gestures before carefully opening his door and closing it behind me. What I didn't expect to see was Mr Clifford's head rolled backwards and his hand moving at a fast pace under the desk.

Slamming the cup down on his desk seemed to make him snap back into reality and fumble around with his jeans "Shit" Oh jesus-fuck!" I couldn't help but smirk to myself as I took a seat on the opposite side of his desk and crossed one leg over the over. I'd never seen someone's face so red, he refused to look up at me and just picked up his cup and took a sip that lasted far too long.
"So how's your day been?" I asked, pretending not to have witnessed his previous endeavours. 
"G-Great, splendid, absolutely outstanding" He rambled, putting the cup back down on his desk and running a hand through his hair. He wiped away a few of the sweat beads that had formed on his head before finally looking up at me.

"Sorry" He mumbled, looking down at the desk and suddenly becoming very interested in a piece of paper that was in front of him.
"For what?" 
"Please don't let me go into detail, you know what" He sighed, scratching the back of his neck.
"I have absolutely no recollection of what you mean" I smiled and he looked up at me. It was sort of a confused look, seeing at he was sporting the furrowed brows but he was biting at his bottom lip.
"Are you playing some sort of game?"
"Why? Would you like that?" 

Neither of us spoke up for a moment, we were far too busy participating in a staring contest that I couldn't remember signing up to. "So what's the deal?" He asked and for once I was the one confused.
"What deal?"
"You bring me coffee every morning, we talk and then that's it?" He began impatiently tapping his fingers on the desk which was quite annoying.
"What are you getting at here?" He rubbed his hands over his face and I internally cringed. He should probably wash them, the right one at least. 
"Is this your way of flirting or am I reading the signs wrong?" I nearly laughed out loud at his assumption, but instead I folded my arms. 
"I've bought you coffee every morning at the exact same time"
"And today you decided to just whack one out when you knew I was on my way"
"It wasn't intentional-"
"What could possibly have aroused you in this office hm? And don't you dare say porn videos because I know that they're blocked!"

He laughed whilst saying "Why? Did you check?" Of course I checked.
"Of course not. It's common knowledge. Did you expect me to come in and hop on your lap or something?"
"Well I wouldn't suggest hopping"
"Mr Clifford!" By this point he had stopped laughing. I sighed and leaned forward so I could rest my arms on his desk. "I think you're hot"
"Thanks" He laughed and I rolled my eyes "For the record you're not too bad yourself"
"Such a charmer"
"And I will continue to be a charmer at six thirty tonight" 
"What's happening then?" I asked, moving my arms off the table and straightening my back.
"We're going to dinner. I'll pick you up then"
"Oh" I whispered "But you don't know my address"
"I'm your boss" When he realized that I wasn't;t going to respond he elaborated "I can find out where you live"
"Oh" I stood up and walked towards his door, taking a peek back, offering a warm smile and accepting one in return and leaving. One thing's for sure: Mabel's going to have a field day.



It sucks I know, but hey, its an update!

A levels have taken up my life. Word of warning kids: If someone mentions As or A levels, head for the hills.

Dedicated to @Xxskunk_boixX

Okay thanks.

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