Texting ot4: the dick pic

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I had to.


Michael: *Picture attached*

Luke: michAAEL OH MY GOD


Ashton: oh hey, he did a calum

Michael: shuddup ash

Michael: we all know that you like it

Ashton: oh yeah, i'll just add that to my wank bank!

Luke: you have one of those?

Ashton: obviously not lucas

Michael: don't be mean

Luke: yeah

Michael: it was a valid question

Luke: yeah!

Calum: ew

Calum: wow ash

Ashton: :)

Luke: :-)

Michael: i hate that face

Luke: :-)

Luke: :-)

Luke: :-)

Luke: :-)

Michael: stop

Luke: :-)

Luke: :-)

Michael: STOP

Ashton: you're so annoying luke

Luke: :-(

Michael: Michael kicked Ashton out of the chat

Calum: hahahahHAHAHA

Luke: :-D

Michael: that's enough luke

Luke: okay

Luke: have you guys seen pengy?

Calum: erm haha

Luke: ??

Calum: i don't have him, but someone else does

Luke: what?

Michael: ashton...

Luke: :-O

Luke: mikey

Luke: i need him

Michael: i'll find him don't worry

Calum: oh sure when luke needs something you'll help

Calum: but when it's me

Calum: oh no

Michael: Michael has kicked Calum out of the chat

Luke: hahaha

Michael: Michael has added Ashton to the chat

Ashton: haha!

Luke: ??

Michael: he said he'd give him back if i re-added him

Ashton: pengy is under the sofa

Michael: Michael has kicked Ashton out of the chat

Luke: :-D

Michael: ;)


The Muke feels...they're everywhere..

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