Intervention (OT3 with a hint of Cake)

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Hey guys, my previous one shot was not successful at all, gah! So I was kind of put off writing for a little bit (sorry about the 3 week hiatus), this is just a little something I wrote a while ago. I hope that you enjoy!


The thing about Michael Clifford is that he had good days, really good days and terrible days. They were always unpredictable, Michael himself was never sure of his mood most of the time.

Michael was having a bad day, and it was evident to everyone. His band mates were practically walking on egg shells around him on their tip toes as even the slightest thing managed to piss him off today. And when Michael attempted to flip Calum's bed over, an intervention was staged.

"Michael, just stop." Calum sighed, sitting on the gray sofa next to Luke. Michael looked over at the two with furrowed brows and opened his mouth to speak, but seeing as he had no idea what to say, closing it several times before Calum continued. "Take a seat please." Calum said, gesturing to the red chair next to them, that did not fit the colour scheme of gray and white in this room at all.

"What is this? An intervention?" Michael laughed and Luke solemnly nodded his head, copying Calum's posture by straightening his back and resting his hands on his knees. "Are you fucking serious?" Michael asked, still incredibly confused.

"Enough with the profanities, Michael. We're both here because we care very much for you and-"

"Oh my god," Michael interjected, resting his elbows on his knees and hiding his face in his hands.

"And recently we're worried about your behaviour." Calum continued, ignoring Michael's outburst like he usually would.

"There's nothing wrong with my behaviour," Michael mumbled into his hands and Luke gasped in horror.

"Nothing wrong?" He suddenly raised his voice, which caused Michael to peer up from his hands. "This morning you tried to throw a toaster at me!"

"That was your fault!" Michael shouted back, slapping his hands on his knees for emphasis.

"How was it Luke's fault?" Calum asked calmly.

"His breathing was putting me off so-" Michael began but was interrupted by Luke.

"My breathing? How was my breathing-"

"It was putting me off! I couldn't concentrate on the rate in which my toast was burning!" Michael shouted, standing up, "And anyway, I don't see what the problem was, it's not like it hit you."

"It hit the wall right next to my head!" Luke shouted, standing up aswell.

Calum sighed and motioned for both boys to sit down, which they reluctantly did, which was after Calum forcefully pulled Luke down making Michael smirk, like he'd won some stupid competition, and joined them. "Michael," Calum began in a deflated tone, "This is exactly what we're talking about, Michelle."


"It's quite obviously the female version of your name, Michael," Luke snapped.

"I knew that, doofus!" Michael screamed back.

"Doofus? Who are you calling a doofus you numpty?"

"I am not the numpty here!"

"Pipe down! Michelle, Lucy, shut up!" Calum yelled, silencing the both of them. "Geez, you're just as bad as each other," He sighed, running a hand through his hair and looking awfully stressed over a situation that was no where near as stressful. "The fact of the matter is, Michael, that Luke and I felt the need to address your behaviour. So lets stick to you. If needs be that we arrange an intervention sometime later in the week for Luke then we shall do so,"

"I don't need an intervention," Luke piped up and Calum sent him a death glare that seemed to do the trick and shut him up.

"That seems reasonable," Michael nodded.

"Thank you," Calum smiled, finally feeling like he was getting somewhere.

"But what if I feel the need to arrange a secondary intervention this afternoon?" Michael asked, clasping his hands together and leaning forward in his chair.

"Then it will have to wait until tomorrow, now if you don't mind-"

"But what if it's really important. Like, say he took a dump on his guitar and he could no longer play it because it stuck all the strings together and-"

"I am right here you know," Luke said.

Calum stood up and walked out the hotel room muttering an almost inaudible "I give up," and slamming the door behind him.

"That was your fault," Michael immediately said, causing Luke's face to drop.

"How was that my fault?"

"It was the whole hypothetical situation thing. It just seemed to real for him. Maybe he thought that you already did it and went to check on the instruments just to make sure." Michael said shrugging like it was a definite possibility.

"He only ever gets mad when it's you who opens your big mouth," Luke said, crossing his arms and slouching back into the sofa. Michael laughed and Luke rolled his eyes at his immaturity. "That's not funny," He muttered, but Michael wasn't paying attention. He was far too occupied with his phone.

"At least I'm not his bitch," Michael said a few minutes later.

Luke looked up at him and muttered a quiet "Excuse me?" unsure to whether he was hearing things or not.

"Oh come on, you do everything he tells you to, you're like a puppy." Michael said, not looking up from his phone.

"What?" Luke asked, sitting up. He couldn't tell whether Michael was being serious or not.

"What? Afraid daddy's going to spank you?" Michael laughed, finally raising his eye level so he could see Luke's face, which was bright red.

"No? What are you on about?" He asked, scratching the base of his neck and avoiding eye contact with Michael at all costs.

"Oh my God," Michael grinned, jumping onto the sofa next to Luke.

"Nope, not God," Luke retorted, causing Michael to scoff.

"Who would have thought it, eh? You little lovesick puppy," Michael said, pinching Luke's cheek and having his hand being swatted away.

"I have no idea what you're on about," Luke calmly said, standing up and pocketing his phone.

He'd barely made it out the door when Michael shouted "Off to find lover boy?" Luke slammed the door shut, mirroring Calum's previous actions, and Michael couldn't stop smiling.


Sorry if it wasn't pleasant. Just imagine it occurring before Ashton joined as I have no clue why I didn't involve him. Tis not a personal attack I swear.

Dedicated to @RadioHeadLxshton.

P.s. I had to look up the female version of Luke for this.

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