Smutty Mashton (part two)

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Yeah. It's detailed. Kind of.


"Michael?" Ashton quietly spoke, using his knuckles to tap on the door.
"Fuck off!" Michael shouted, pacing around his room and pulling at his hair.
Ashton sighed and turned around so that his back was resting on the door. He folded his arms and closed his eyes before speaking "I'm not going anywhere until you come out."
"I think I already did," Michael sarcastically remarked, internally groaning and wishing he'd kept his mouth shut.
"I don't care that you're gay, Mike."
"I'm not gay!" Michael shouted, pulling the door open causing an unsuspecting Ashton to fall onto the floor and grumble in pain. "Shit! Sorry! Are you okay?" Michael asked, kneeling down, grabbing Ashton's arms and quickly examining them.
"I'm fine," Ashton breathed, looking into Michael's eyes before he averted eye contact and helped the curly headed boy sit up, rubbing his back in the process. "Can we talk now?" Ashton asked, standing up and sitting on the edge of Michael's bed, patting the spot next to him.

Michael hesitantly nodded, closing the door and took the spot next to him, looking down at his hands the entire time. Neither of them said anything for a minute or two, so Michael spoke up, well mumbled up "I'm not gay."
Ashton nodded his head and mumbled out a small "Okay," but soon followed it up with "Then-can I ask why, you, y'know," He looked up at Michael and Michael's face was almost as red as his hair.
"I-I just. Fuck, Ash, you're just, just."
"Just what?"
Ashton let out a single laugh "I'm not perfect, Mikey."
Michael shook his head and smiled "That's exactly why. You're just so loving and caring and you're not selfish and you're extremely attractive-"
"Well-" Ashton tried to interrupt but Michael wouldn't let him.
"Don't you dare," He spoke, looking up at the boy. "You're perfect," Michael whispered and Ashton felt like all the air had been sucked into a void.
"Michael, I-"
"Don't say it. Please don't say it." But Ashton didn't say anything. Instead, his warm lips made contact with Michael's for a moment and were pulled away before Michael had a chance to respond.

Ashton took a deep breath and grabbed one of Michael's hand, intertwining their fingers together. "Ash?" Michael asked but Ashton shook his head.
"I just want to try something," Ashton said, but did not wait for a response from Michael. He quickly straddled Michael's waist and looked down into his eyes, dropping his hand and placing both of them around Michael's neck and began playing with the bottom strands of his hair before their lips met again. Michael automatically placed his hands on Ashton's waist, and slowly raised them so that they were rested beneath the taller boys shirt. Ashton grinded his hips onto Michael and the red haired boy wanted to question as to why he seemed like a natural at this, but he didn't have time as Ashton was pushing his back until he hit the bed's duvet, and his shirt was ripped off and thrown to the other side of the room.

Ashton's lips made their way down Michael's jaw, to his neck, leaving a hickey every time Michael let out a moan, which was a lot, until he reached his chest, as he sat back up removing his shirt and throwing it to the side. He looked down at Michael, swollen lips and rosy red cheeks before running a hand down his chest and stopping at the waist belt of his jeans. Michael didn't protest, so Ashton slowly unbuckled them, moving off of the boy so that Michael could wiggle his way out of them. 

Ashton sat at the edge of the bed and kicked off his own jeans but didn't move after that. Michael sat up and lightly pecked his shoulder "Is this too much?" he mumbled into it, his lips moving towards Ashton's neck.
"No," Ashton whispered, reaching out for Michael's hand and turning towards him. Michael placed his free arm around Ashton's shoulders, and smiled as Ashton's other hand grabbed it, turning his head so that their lips could meet again. Both of the boys heads tilted in opposite directions, both wanting to deepen the kiss. Ashton shoved his tongue into Michael's mouth, exploring every part he could and in that moment, Michael had never appreciated tongues so much. 

As soon as they separated, Michael pushed Ashton backwards onto the bed and hovered above him, his legs either side of Ashton's waist. He gently grinded down on him and leaned down to the boys ear, nibbling it slightly "What about this?" Michael whispered as Ashton gasped, his chest rising and falling rapidly.
"Keep doing it," Ashton breathed, causing Michael to smirk and press their semi's together.
"Fuck," he moaned, kissing Ashton's neck. Ashton pulled both of his arms around Michael's back, digging his fingernails into his pasty skin as Michael rubbed faster and harder. "Fuck, I'm gonna," Michael shouted breathlessly and Ashton nodded, pulling the boy closer making it hard to determine where he stopped and Michael started. 

Michael's neck craned back in bliss, his eyes were tightly closed and Ashton's nails scraped down his back, leaving deep red lines in its wake. Michael rolled next to Ashton and tried to catch his breath. The older boy lifted up Michael's arm and moved into his chest, dropping Michael's arm behind him and kissing the side of his torso.
"Good talk," He mumbled as Michael laughed.


I'm so glad girls can't get hard on's, jfc.

I hope that you enjoyed!

Is everyone enjoying the bromance-smutt-stuff? I can write something else if you don't, I don't mind.

Dedicated to KasidiW because she voted on each one shot!:D

Thanks for 3.8k reads!!!

You guys are the best.

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