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Well hello there, I'm sorry it's been about three months since I last updated. I suck, I know. Anyways, I hope that you enjoy a long overdue Michael smutty one shot!:)


I always used to hate that smirk of his. How it would turn heads and get him everything he wanted. And the mothers-they loved him. Everyone would lap up everything he said and would carefully watch his mouth, watching how he formed every single word and how his smirk was always present, not daring to look into his eyes. Those big, beautiful eyes that followed you around the room.

I used to think that I'd go insane watching everyone watch him and how he wouldn't take a second of his time to even glance at them. He loved it, all the attention, all the noise. I've seen girls be reduced to tears because of him, with eyeliner running down their cheeks as they quickly tried to reapply it in case he saw them. And that's how it happened-he saw me.

When I say saw, it wasn't a quick smirk when our eyes accidentally caught, or him passing me in a hallway. I caught him red handed. Our desks were parallel to each other in science at the very back of the room. He liked to play with fire and I guess when you're sat behind the tallest person in class you don't get spotted too easily. I could see the orange flame flicker at the corner of my eye so I glanced across and saw those eyes. But he wasn't smirking, not this time. It looked like all the air had been removed from the room and he knew that he was going to die so he held his breath and accepted death with open arms, and for once I liked it. That was until he yelled out "Fuck!" and moved his hand away from the open flame. 

Being the incompetent idiot that he was, he stood up and dropped the Bunsen burner onto the floor. We all watched as it hung at the side of his desk from its orange tube swinging side-to-side, and how sir quickly dashed to the door and turned off the gas. He looked like he was about to explode with rage, but as soon as he saw who the culprit was, his red face turned pink and he wiped the sweat off of his forehead. 

"Michael, are you okay?" He asked and I watched in disbelief, even the teachers adored him. 
"Well apart from the third degree burn-" I coudn't help the snort that made its way to my nose erupt. He dropped his head down and shook it so that his hair flailed about-he was trying to cover up a smirk. 
Sir looked at Michael's hand and frowned before saying "You'd better go to the nurse."
He was quick to agree and almost left, but he turned his head to look at me and said "Only if Y/N cam come."

I silently begged not to go and looked over at sir with pleading eyes but he didn't seem to notice me. Instead, he just waved Michael off with a muttered "Sure" and my chair scratched the floor as I slowly pushed it back. The look on the girls faces was priceless. It was as if I had ruined their birthday. He held the door open for me with his burnt hand and I could feel him watching my arse as he walked through.

I turned left to the nurses office but his hand was placed on my arm and it wasn't letting me move. I looked up at him and he was smirking. That stupid famous smirk of his. "Lets go this way" He demanded, rather than asked, and I almost protested but school nurses are the worst. If anything they would have just given him a plaster.

We walked past the music block and peered into the windows at the top of the doors and watched a couple of guys muck around with some drums, we passed the smokers corner and saw a girl chain smoking at least four cigarettes. We walked up to the first floor and ducked into the caretakers cupboard so that we weren't spotted by the head. And Michael's hand found its way to my hip as we listened at the door for the plodding footsteps to pass us. 

I held my breath as his other hand moved my hair away from my shoulder until I whispered "How's your hand?" to which he responded "Never better". I turned and grabbed his neck with both of my hands and pulled his head down to mine so that I could connect our lips. His hands found their way to my waist and I arched my back as I tilted my head. The kiss was desperate and awfully rushed but at that point I didn't care and he didn't seem to either.

I moved one of my hands to his hip and rammed our crotches together and he pulled back. I could only just make out his face due to the poor lighting, but I knew he was wearing that same smirk. He pulled off his shirt and kissed me whilst I unbuttoned mine. I bawled up one of my fists up onto his chest as he attempted to unhook my bra, which he wasn't a natural at. I scrambled to the floor and pulled the belt off of his jeans and threw it to the back before undoing them and lowering them along with his boxers to his knees.

I grabbed his length and pumped it a few times and looked up at him. His eyes were closed and his head was rolled back. I couldn't fit the entire thing into my mouth but I sure as hell tried and listened as as his faint moans of 'fuck' and 'holy shit' circled around me. I could feel him getting closer to eruption and had to stop myself from smirking at how much control I had over him at this very moment. And as the salty liquid flooded my mouth, I knew that this wasn't the last time.

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