Daddy af

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Hey guys, I guess I just wanted to write so here.


Michael: So haha funny story

You: What have you done this time?

Michael: You remember that thing you said the other day?

You: Oh, yeah, obviously.

Michael: Don't be sarcastic this is a very serious issue

You: ??

Michael: The whole you saying, and I quote "I'd happily crawl under anyone who'd let me call them daddy,"

You: Yes..

Michael: I may have accidentally let it slip

Michael: To Luke

Michael: And Calum

Michael: And Ash..

You: Oh my god

Michael: Well, here's the thing

Michael: I'll just lay out a hypothetical situation for you

You: How kind

Michael: I try

Michael: Anyways, given the hypothetical situation that one of those 3 guys was very into the whole daddy kink fiasco, and I mean VERY interested, would they have a shot with you?

You: I'm going to murder you, Clifford

Michael: You shouldn't have said that

You: Oh, but I meant it

Michael: But you see, given the hypothetical situation that tomorrow I get murdered, one of the first things the police will do is check my phone and look at who I recently contacted

Michael: And that'll be you, sugar bear

You: Sugar bear?

Michael: Hush child

Michael: Answer the question

You: Who was it?

Michael: Pls just answer yay or nay

You: Is it Ashton?

Michael: Is that a yay?

You: If it's Ash then yeah he's hella hot

Michael: What's wrong with Cal and Luke?

You: Don't seem like the daddy kink guys

You: So is it Ash?

Michael: Yeah

You: What do you plan on doing with this information?

You: Bc like I don't understand why you feel the need to hook me up with one of your friends

You: Are you still there?

You: Michael??

You: ??

Michael: Yeah, hi

Michael: Ashton hit me

You: -_-

Michael: Soooo

Michael: He'll be over in 10

You: What?

Michael: :) ur welcome


I'm sorry idk what this was. I'm mid Orange is the new Black S3 binge watching and I decided to take a break.

Dedicated to Michaels_Boner

Michael Clifford-One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now