Day trip (Mashton af)

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I finally had an idea for a one shot! Enjoy, sorry for the month gap again, it's 11 days until my first exam. And thankyouthankyouthankyou for 17.8k reads!!

Idk what this is btw. Please just roll with it again and hopefully one day my one shots will have some sort of decipherable meaning.


It's not often that you see an overly attractive guy talking to a camera like it was a person rather than an inanimate object, so of course Michael look notice, as did another dozen pedestrians who wandered past. It was only when he almost got knocked over by a woman in her motorised scooter that he realised he was staring for quite some time. The collision and Michael's booming exclamation of "Fuck!" was just at the right decibel the attract the other guys attention and turn his camera off.

"Are you okay?" He asked, rushing over to Michael like a knight in shining armour.

"Oh, what? Yeah-yeah I'm fine," Michael said, scratching the back of his neck and indulging in far too much eye contact than acquaintances should.

"You should watch out, I hear the assault by motorised scooters has spiked," The curly haired guy laughed, which made Michael's insides go all gooey.

"Maybe the old lady just felt perpetual rage towards youths who have dyed hair," Michael retorted, crossing and uncrossing his arms, suddenly not knowing what to do with them.

"Maybe. I'm Ashton," The guy said, holding his hand out in a rather respectful manner for Michael to shake.


"Well Michael, do you live around here?"

"That's a bit forward, don't you think?" Michael laughed.

"I meant that in a completely un-stalkerish way. I've never been here before so," Ashton clarified. tucking his hand in his jeans pocket, but left his thumb sticking out.

"Well you didn't exactly chose one of the most dazzling of towns."

"Well I wouldn't say that," Ashton shrugged "Blackbourne is populated with bright haired beauties."

"Charm will get you no where near my pants."

"Worth a shot," Ashton laughed.

"Tell you what," Ashton began, causing Michael to raise his eyebrows, "If you show me around I'll buy you a drink."

"What kind of drink?" Michael questioned, even though he was prepared to agree whatever the beverage.

"Anything you fancy."

"Alright then," Michael smiled, "I'll take you up on that offer," he nodded, and started walking towards the town centre with Ashton traipsing at the side of him.

Michael was about to speak up when Ashton turned on his camera and shoved it directly into the unsuspecting lad's face. "Introduce yourself," Ashton said, in a rather demanding tone.

"Is this something I have to do?" Michael asked and Ashton simply nodded. "Well, okay. I guess I'm Michael-"

"You guess?" Ashton jokily interrupted, which caused Michael to narrow his eyes at him.

"Rude. Anyways, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted," Michael sighed, causing Ashton to laugh, "My name is Michael and I have a passion for funny words."

"Care to give an example?"

"Oh absolutely. This is codswallop," Michael smiled, batting his eyelashes towards the camera.

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