Unexpected coincidences (not smut (sorry))

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Hey guys! Charlie here. So a couple of you guys said that you liked my first Michael one shot-so here's another! Let me know what you think. Thanks:)


I don't believe in one girl rooting for their entire life trying to find that prince charming. Heck, that person might turn out to be a princess, or someone very unexpected. I believe that the decisions that you make are down to you. That there is no mystical force inhabiting our bodies. Or that if the stars are aligned that you will automatically fall head over heels. You control what happens in your life.

Just like this moment. Michael and I are currently playing fifa. And he's winning. That I'm not controlling, he's just really good at fifa.
"You are so going down"
"You're kidding, right? You're so far behind it isn't funny"
"Please-I'm letting you win on purpose"
"Oh purpose? You suck at fifa"
"I suck at what?"
Michael turned his head and did his famous lop-sided grin. The kind that made you want to punch him in the face for being do adorable Although, I didn't punch his face, I punched his arm. It'd be pretty stupid to damage such fine beauty.

"Can we stop playing yet?"
"No way, I'm creaming you at this"
"And you're making way to many sexual innuendos"
"Because I'm a pro"
"It's obvious that you're going to win anyway"
"But I want the satisfaction of winning"
"You're not getting some sort of prize or reward or anything"
"I get the prize of taunting you with my new found victory"
"That's a terrible prize"
"Boasting is the best sort of prize you can get: it never runs out"

It didn't take Michael long to shoot the winning goal and tackle me onto the ground. What can I say? I totally let him win. I swear.
"Are you going to get off of me?"
"Off with you?"
"Michael, I swear to god"
"What? What do you swear?"
"Fuck you"
"Oh my god! You swore!" Michael moved his left leg across my waist so that he was straddling me.
"Oh no, what are you going to do about it?" I teased. He picked up my arms and raised them above my head, holding them down with only one of his huge hands. He used his other to grab his phone from his picket and fake dial 9-9-9.
"Hello? Police? Yeah I'm going to need a swat car and at least a dozen officers, we've got a swearer!"
"Michael! You're such an idiot!" I started squirming around, which only caused him to lean down, pressing our chests together. He still managed to smile as he spoke.
"You need to hurry, she's escaping! I need back up stat!" He pretended to hang up his phone and shoved it back into his pocket before looking down at me. He looked at the remarkably awkward situation we had found ourselves in and his smile faded. For a moment I thought he was going to apologize and move off of me, but he didn't.

He looked into my eyes, and I looked into his. I'd never noticed how green they were before. Maybe it was just the fact that he had recently experimented with some green hair dye that he had found on an adventure to the supermarket, but they seemed different. More open and appealing, like you could easily get lost in them. They should really come with a warning: Friendly suggestion, bring a map.

He opened his mouth to speak but closed it quickly. It was strange laying there, with my best friend tightly pressed on top of me. It kind of seemed like that cliche moment in every romantic film ever-when you realise your infatuation for your best friend, and that they've always been the one for you, because you fall in love with personality not looks. Of course, if you walk into a room and see someone attractive, you're going to want to talk to them, but then utter drool runs from their mouth and you never want to speak to them ever again as they're so incompetent it hurts. You'll only feel lust towards them, and you're far more likely to fall for a friend than someone you bump into on the street. But just for a moment, it felt right.

"I have the hugest boner right now" Michael said, maintaining a completely serious expression.
"Ew! Get off!" I said, pushing him to the side as he erupted in laughter.
"Don't be disgusted, it was over you"
"That's even worse, Michael"
"You loved it really"
"I couldn't even feel it"
"Whoa, harsh" This time it was my turn to do the famous lop-sided grin, and it was Michael's turn to punch me in the arm, which kind of hurt a little. It's not like my arms are made of pure steel. 

"We need to do something interesting"
"Be serious. Seriousness is key"
"Then baby I'm the lock"
"Oh my god, you've gone insane"
"But at least I beat you at fifa"
"Oh my god, let it go!"
"I told you, boasting is the best prize"

Michael Clifford-One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now