The Party Scene (smut)

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I'm sorry to report that there will be no part 3 to the new boss because I suck, so here's some smut instead.


I think that life is made for regrets and if you say you have none, you're probably lying. I think that the most regretful thing that I've ever done was agree to accompany my sister to one of her lame friend's parties. It wasn't the party that was the big regret, it just created a chain of events that could have been avoided, and would save me a lot of money paying for a councilor when I'm older and suffering from war flashbacks.

The most annoying part of this particular party was that as soon as we walked through the front door, my sister decided to vanish into the sweaty bodies grinding on each other and leave me like I never existed. And at that point I kind of wished I didn't. Sarah is considerably older than me, 6 years to be exact, so it did seem quite strange for a just-turned-fifteen-year-old to be in close proximity to drunken strangers who's ages ranged from 20-35, and have several try to grind on her. But that pretty much describes my life: shoving dicks away.

Luckily for me, I was able to maneuver my way around the crowded flat and find a relatively quiet room. There was a small, blue two seater sofa, that was currently occupied by a guy with dyed blue hair, facing a stereo and a couple of full to the brim bookcases. What I enjoyed most about the room wasn't the plain white walls or the window with bars on it that didn't seem to make the room feel like a prison at all, not even the poor guy who looked awfully uncomfortable laid out on the floor, still clutching a bottle that was stood up right. It was the fact that the current song playing was Karma Police by Radiohead, which translates to fifteen year old me's favourite song by her favourite band. So I decided to take my chances and sit next to the guy on the couch.

He didn't notice me at first, he was far too preoccupied with staring at the half bottle of Rose wine in his hand. When he finally looked up, he didn't seem fazed by my sudden appearance, he just held the bottle out in front of me, and who was I to refuse a free drink?

The first thing that I have to point out about wine is that it smells awful. It smells like literal puke rising up your throat, but the stench is worth it for the taste, even though it does take a few sips to get used to it. "What's your name?" The guy asked as I handed the bottle back to him. I considered giving him a false name as I wasn't particularly down with revealing my identity, but he was cute.
"Charlie" I replied and he just nodded his head, taking another swig from the bottle. "And yours?" I asked, feeling slightly annoyed that it wasn't his common courtesy to inform me of his name.
"Well hello, Michael" I said, reaching out my hand to shake his, but he translated that gesture into thinking I wanted another swig and handed me the bottle instead. And swig I did.

We didn't speak or burden each other with our sorrows or do any cliche activities that I had previously had the unfortunate luck of viewing, which honestly made me feel quite upset. We just kept passing the bottle too and fro, drinking far too much than I could possibly remember, but not enough to forget. It was then that the guy on the floor let out a groan and I couldn't help but be nosey "Is this a regular occurrence?"
"Is what a regular occurrence?" He asked, sounding slightly bored as he rubbed his flushed cheeks with the palms of his hands.
"This. You drinking red wine whilst your friend knocks himself out and lays in what must be uncomfortable positions"
"Pretty much" he sighed, refusing the bottle when I attempted to hand it back to him and unexpectedly laying down on the sofa.

I don't know how he managed it as there was barely enough room for us both to sit on it, but he curled up in the fetal position with his head on my lap and his legs hanging half off the sofa and half on it. "Comfy?" I questioned, annoyed that now I was stuck here, not that I particularly wanted to venture out into the 'main party zone' anytime soon. He nodded his head which was fairly awkward as his head was located above my crotch and I was trying and failing to be very polite about it.

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