Mashton smutty-ish (part one)

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Guess what I got up to in my free period this morning;)

My last one shot reached 100 reads so this time here's a Mashton!



The door was open, that's what he noticed first, just a little but enough for him to somewhat get a clear view. The image playing out in front of him was what he expected, but nonetheless he was shocked, but who wouldn't be if they 'accidentally' came across their friend wanking?

Michael made no attempt at moving away. Of course his initial thought was to keep walking down the hallway and quietly duck into his bedroom, trying to block out the noise as per usual, but Ashton hadn't noticed him yet.

The curly headed boys eyes were tightly closed, and his head was rolled so far back making Michael want to lick and bite down all over that pasty neck. He was harshly biting down on his bottom lip to stop the whimper from escaping his mouth. And although Michael felt like a creep, he reassured himself by thinking that seeing as his room was next door he would have heard it anyway and Ashton was hardly being discreet.

He'd never seen the boys hand move so fast up and down and he wandered how he didn't fall a victim of wankers cramp for going at that speed for such a long period of time.

Michael could feel his semi becoming a hard on as he held his breath not wanting to be caught with his hand down his pants, copying the older boys actions but at a much slower rate, wanting to savour the moment. He could feel a low moan growing at the back of his throat but refused to release it.

His cheeks felt red as he released into his hand, making his boxers awfully sticky. He sighed, taking his hand out of his pants causing the elastic to ping back, knowing he'd have to change them.

At first, Michael didn't realize the door being pushed open and the noise abruptly stopping until he looked up at the figure stood in the doorway, staring directly into his face, cheeks flushed and eyes wide. He looked down at Michael's crotch, a large, visible stain now evident and stuttered "d-did, did-what?" 

The two boys couldn't seem to break eye contact and neither knew what to say. Ashton was in utter shock at the thought of his band mate getting off-to him getting off? He couldn't seem to fathom his thoughts into words and watched as Michael nervously crossed his arms and looked at the floor before hurriedly rushing off to his room and slamming his door in the process.


Well, that was short, a lot like other things I know of.

Dedicated to my bae.

Hope you enjoyed:) 

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