Bad boy/sad boy (Malum)

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Sorry for not updating for a little while, but thanks for 6.5k reads!:D


Michael lifted the cigarette up to his lips and took a lengthy inhale, letting the smoke cloud his lungs and make them feel hot and heavy. "You shoudn't do that," A boy spoke up, sitting to his left. It was a cold December morning and Michael wanted to be alone, so of course he chose to sit at the bus stop and jump on the first bus that arrived. What he seemed to forget was that these bus' are pubic, so he'd most likely be faced with a stranger at some point. 
"Sorry, who are you?" Michael asked, raising his eyebrows and puffing out the smoke, being careful to avoid it hitting the boy.
"Well Calum," Michael began, slotting the cigarette between his lips but continuing to speak, using hand gestures, that were so extravagant, required two hands "I presume you're just saying that because they can give you cancer, right?" He paused for the boy to nod his head and cross his arms, suddenly interested as to how he would defend a cigarette against such an awful illness "But the thing is there are millions of people all over the world, and we're just two of them, and compared to the Universe or the Milky way, we're nothing. In fact, we're just evolved pieces of bacteria that created a monarchy that makes us believe that we are superior to animals such as fish or lions-"
"But lions are dangerous," Calum dumbly interjected and Michael resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Instead, he chose to nod his head, taking out the cigarette from his mouth, which Calum was thankful for as now he would be able to understand him more clearly, and stub it out on the side of the metal blue bench they were sitting on.
"Yes, they are dangerous, but people are too. Think of all the murderers and fascists and psychopaths that live amongst you and I."
"I could be a psychopath for all you know," Calum commented and Michael nodded his head again, this time he twisted around and crossed his legs so that he was facing Calum.
"And you'd be a very good one as you seem like the opposite, but psychopaths are usually very good actors."

Calum nodded his head whilst furrowing his eyebrows, not knowing whether to take that as a compliment or insult. "Back to what I was saying earlier," Michael started before Calum could but in "We're made to think that humans are better than everything, right? That we'll live on Earth forever until it explodes or gets sucked into a black hole, but humans won't last that long. Maybe in a hundred or thousand years they'll be some new piece of bacteria that we'll call a disease-such as cancer-that will latch onto humans and kill them all one by one. And it'll be the new superior race that'll take over Earth and hopefully do a better job than we did. Sure we made homes and technology but we ended up forcing people to pay for life, because let's face it: if you haven't got money, you're screwed."
Michael paused to look over at Calum who had his mouth hanging open slightly "So what's your point?"
Michael sighed before saying "That in the future, there will be no trace of the Earth, so humans will become a fairy tale or something stupid like that, heck, they might be forgotten along with the Earth-"
"Get on with it," Calum interjected, and Michael thought that he was being rude, but as soon as Calum pointed out that the bus was coming he understood.
"Basically, no one, or nothing, or whatever pronouns are used in the future will care that I had a cigarette."
"That's stupid," Michael nodded whilst standing up and smiling.

The bus was number 28 and was quite packed already, this obviously wasn't it's first stop. "Single please," Michael smiled at the bus lady, who looked immensely pissed off.
"To where?"
"Haven't decided yet."
She rolled her eyes before muttering a quick "£1.60 please," Michael grabbed his ticket and sat as far at the back as possible. 
"So from what I can conclude," Michael turned his head to the side to see Calum had sat next to him, he smiled and twisted around in his seat before he continued "Is that you're having an existential crisis," Michael laughed a little and nodded his head.
"Ah yes, when a person becomes aware that life is completely pointless and has no meaning, causing them to question the foundations of their life and makes them very unproductive."
"I wouldn't say that life is pointless-" Calum began, but of course Michael had to intrude.
"What's the meaning of life, Calum?"
"What do you think is the meaning of life?"
Calum furrowed his eyebrows, something that Michael noticed him doing a lot, before shrugging his shoulders "Love?" He questioned and turned to Michael, who held a sympathetic gaze.
"Love? Are you sure about that?"
"I don't know."
"No, you don't, and that's perfectly fine. No one knows, not really. You're obviously a romantic if you believe that, but what about people who never find love and die alone. Are their lives pointless?"
Calum shook his head before blurting out "This sounds like a deep conversation that you have after sex."
"Oh and you'd know that?" Michael laughed and Calum went slightly red.
"I'm not a virgin, you know."
"And I don't doubt that for a moment, Cal," Calum shook his head and turned away from Michael, slightly embarrassed and insulted.

"Where are you getting off anyway?" Michael asked Calum and shrugged his shoulders.
"Honestly, I only got on because you did," Michael picked up one of Calum's habits and furrowed his brows.
"No," Calum laughed "I mean, as great as our conversation was, I'm not a stalker."
"Oh," Michael said, and for the first time all day, he didn't know what to say.
"I'm running a couple of errands in town, if you'd like to join?" Calum knew it was a long shot but he didn't expect Michael to nod his head.
"Is smoking permitted?" Michael cheekily asked, smiling at the boy and Calum rolled his eyes.
"This is our stop" He said, pressing the bell and standing up, pulling Michael along with him.


After a trip to the post office, the library and a small cafe, the two boys lent up against the wall, Michael was slowly exhaling a puff of smoke and Calum was trying not to inhale any of it. Then a thought dawned upon him "You never told me your name."
Michael removed the cigarette from his mouth and looked over at Calum "You never asked," He placed it back against his lips and took a long inhale so that he could feel it in his chest.
"I'm asking now."
"Nope," Michael said whilst exhaling.
"You missed your chance, I am forever nameless."
"Oh because one day your name will be forgotten and-" Calum started rambling and Michael chuckled and turned towards him.

"Come here."
"What? Why?" Calum asked, turning to face the boy.
"Have you ever smoked?" Michael asked and Calum shook his head. 
Michael took a long inhale and moved his face closer to the boy. Calum was about to ask what he was doing, but suddenly their lips were pressed together, slightly open, and Michael's ash-tasting tongue was in Calum's mouth, filling up the other boys lungs with second hand smoke. And as much as Calum wanted to push Michael away and cough up such a terrible taste, he grabbed fist fulls of his shirt and pulled him closer as Michael lazily placed his arms around Calum's neck. Their tongues kept mixing and colliding with each other and at that point Calum didn't know who's was who's but he had never been more thankful for such a scaly feeling. He tilted his head to the side and Michael rested one of his elbows on Calum's shoulder to effortlessly play with his hair, stroking it and pulling it until he couldn't breathe anymore. 

When they finally separated, it was only their heads that moved. They stayed in exactly the same position with their cheeks flushed and lips slightly swollen. Michael was the first person to pull away, taking the final drag of his cigarette and stumping it on the wall. He looked at Calum who had now crossed his arms and furrowed his brows "If life's so pointless why did you kiss me?" He asked and Michael smiled.
"Because one day I won't be able to."


Yeah, I'm having a bit of an existential crisis right now so this was easy to write.

If only there was a Calum I could make out with to make it easier, sigh.

Dedicated to the bae of course.

See you all soon!

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