Dirty texting

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Okay I like the whole texting thing, but this time it won't be a bromance.

I'm updating early bc I'm so fab.


Michael: jfc, i'm so horny
You: you're always horny
Michael: and you're usually here to help me out with that
You: oh yeah let me just hop on a plane to wherever the hell you are and we can have a quickie in the nearest closet
Michael: please do
Michael: and i'm in Hull
You: where the hell's that?
Michael: it's in England you uncultured swine
You: no need to get mardy
Michael: i need you so bad Y/N
You: tough
You: you'll have to wait until you get home
Michael: in a month........
You: and we can screw all day
Michael: that's too far away
Michael: the boys are staring at me strangely
You: you're probably pouting, you dumb fuck
Michael: language
Michael: and hey! i do not pout!
You: i bet you're pouting rn
Michael: *attached image*
Michael: does it look like i'm pouting to you
Michael: hahah no
You: you look hot
You: stop it
Michael: only if you make me
You: how the hell would i do that?
You: wait a minute
You:  i see what this is
Michael: what?
You: we're not sexting, Gordo
Michael: hahaahahahah
Michael: please 
Michael: for the children
You: oh my god no
Michael: if my dick could talk it'd  be calling out your name
Michael: the cliffoconda, it wants you
Michael: it needs you
You: what a shame it has to go unsatisfied
Michael: :(
Michael: babe
Michael: scared you can't do it?
You: what? turn you on? if you remember i have. many times.
Michael: then do it again
Michael: prove to me that you can
You: if i was there right now i'd be palming you under the table
You: in front of the boys
You: watching you try to stay quiet
You: seeing as you're quite the screamer
Michael: oh my god yes
Michael: and my hand would roam up your thigh
Michael: and i'd make the boys focus on you
Michael: as i secretly tickle you through the fabric of your panties
You: i'd like to see you try
Michael: oh you will
Michael: and you'd let out a little whimper
You:  because i just can't resist you?
Michael: and they'll ask if you're okay
Michael: and i'll slide a finger in as they wait for your response
Michael: and i'll keep rubbing you with my palm
Michael: watching as you go bright red 
You: that's just evil
You: i'd make an excuse to go to the bathroom
Michael: and there's no way i'm leaving you to go on your own
Michael: as soon as we walk in i'll slam your back against the door 
Michael: and i'll nibble all over your neck
You: i'd wrap my thighs around your waist and hoist myself up
You: unbuttoning my shirt as you hold me up
Michael: i imagined you wearing a jumper
You: what if it's a warm, sunny day?
Michael: babe
You: fine
You: i'd tear off my jumper
You: and then unbutton my shirt
Michael: thank you
You: and then i'd smash our lips together and tug on your hair
Michael: i'd put you back on the floor and unbutton my jeans
Michael: and i'd tug yours down too
You: what, no foreplay?
Michael: absolutely not
Michael: you'd already be soaking wet
Michael: begging for me 
Michael: and i'd tease you with just the tip first
You: i'd thrust backwards, forcing you all in
You: and i'd have to bite back a moan so that the boys wouldn't hear
Michael: i almost forgot about them
Michael: #fivesome?
You: ew no
Michael: fair enough
Michael: i'd stick two fingers in your mouth
Michael: and i'd make you suck on them
Michael: just so you don't give the game away
You: and you'd thrust harder and faster than you ever had before
You: my legs would be shaking in moments
You: desperate for you to carry on
Michael: and i'd release inside you
Michael: you'd feel everything
You: we'd both be gasping for breath by the end of it
You: quickly tugging our clothes back on and rushing downstars
You: all sweaty hoping that they didn't hear what we were doing
Michael: god i love you
You: love you too


What did you guys think?

I have been told I'm a pretty pro sexter in my time.

Michael Clifford-One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now