Mama Chapter 15: Thearpy Together

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3 weeks later...

"Abrielle and Amaiya," I say, while shaking my head in disblief.

"What we do now?" Mya asked, making me chuckle.

"Daddy is coming home today, and I want everything out his way, because he won't be able to walk," I reply, picking up the barbies they left on the floor.

"Oh yea," I saw both of their eyes glow. I know they missed August at home, and so did I. He wouldn't be able to tour for two months which sucked, but I am bringing in money regardless.


"Here for August. August Alsina," I tell the receptionist.

"Okay ma'am, here's your papers and visitors passes ma'am," She said smiling. She was a sweet, beautiful young lady, and she will make it far in life. I hope Abrielle and Amaiya will be similar.

"Thanks, have a great day," I smile at her making my way to August's room.


"Baybeh'?" August said, when he heard the door open.

"It's me and the girls," I say, pushing a stray hair out the way.

"Hel' meh' up," He said, while I walked around the corner.

"Hold on baby, let me get your crutches," I say, pulling them close to him.

"Thanks mama," He said grabbing them, and using them to sit in the seat by Abrielle and Amaiya.

"Daddy," They both screeched, hopping on his lap.

"Girls," I say sternly. I told them about this early.

"Baybeh' chill. I'm ight. This yung' ya' talkin' 'bout," He smirked, pulling the girls closer.

"Mhm whatever," I roll my eyes, and slap my booty.

"Lawd' knows I missed tha' ass," August licked his lips.

"August we have children in here," I say, fixing my leggings.

"Shoulda' neva' wore them leggins'," August asked, while secretly gripping my booty.



"Babe," Janice's sweet voiced, filled my ears while I feed Cree.

"Yes honey," I say back.

"It's Jakayla 6th birthday," She said, coming in the room, with an confetti cake. Jakayla's favorite.

"How could I forget," I say, trying not to cry.

"C'mon," She said picking up Cree, and heading outside.


"Baby girl, it's your 6th birthday and Daddy and Mommy misses you. I wish we could have had more time together. I constantly wish it was me. You had opportunities in front of you, that I wish could have lasted you longer. I remember everything we did like it was yesterday. Daddy loves you baby, and I hope you are having fun my little angel," I say, tearing up a little, kissing the picture of her beside me.

"Beautiful," Janice whispered, patting my back.

We sung happy birthday, and released 3 doves, for her 3 years of living. After that, I went inside to call Amiyah.

Mama(EDITING) (August Alsina x Miracle Watts) Where stories live. Discover now