Mama Chapter 14: Whats Family?

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Mama: Whats Family?


I sat in the same place I did three hours ago. I still couldn't picture Jacey doing all that, I needed answers. I needed them.

"Miyah baby, August is probably worried sick about you," My mom said, while rubbing my back.

"Yes mama, I know. I was fixing to get up and leave," I say grabbing my purse.

"Everything will be better baby," My mom said kissing my cheek.

"Yeah, I hope."


I admitted everything. I honestly was built up in guilt, but I needed to tell them why I did everything, but it wouldn't come out right, and Vincent would kill me.

I knew I couldn't go back to Miyah's, but Cree is there. I sigh, and I just sit in the pouring rain.


I walk in the house, making sure my eyes were decent looking. I slowly shut the door, and I realize half my family is gone because of my family.

"Whea' ya' ass been," August yelled, when I walked in the room.

"I honestly don't wanna talk August," I say, sitting my handbag on the desk.

"Ya' finna' talk, I honestly don't ca'," He said, turning me around.

"If I say, I don't wanna talk about, I don't want too," I say again, highly pissed.

"Amiyah Anahi Warren, ya' beta' tell meh' some. I'm ya' husband, why ya' keepin' secrets," August said, breathing hard in my face.

I backed up before speaking," Look August, I will tell you. Can I take all of it in first, before I can tell you?"

"Hell na'," He said, pushing me backwards.

"August, get your hands off of me," I say, trying to escape his grip.

"No, I came all tha' way down hea' and ya' bitchin'," He said, tighthing his grip.

"August let go," I say. He was testing me, and I knew he could tell.

"Na' I ain't lettin' ya' cheatin' ass go nowhea'," He said, pinching my throat.

"I ain't fucking cheat on you August," I say, gritting my teeth.

"Bullshit," He said, making it harder for me to breath.

"I know ya' ass was cheatin' ," He said.

"Fuck you August, Why the fuck would I cheat on a good man. Maybe my sister kilt half of family and I am still trying to take it in. Maybe my sister, knows why your brother died, and I am still trying to figure it out. I love you August dearly, and I would never do you wrong," I say, while his grip got tighter around my neck.

"So ya' sista' kilt my brotha?" He asked, while grabbing my neck with one hand.

"That's what she said August," I say, crying.

I saw August's hand come to my face, and I flinch. His hard hand in my bare cheek hurt like hell.

"Fuck ya' bitch," He said, while letting my helplessly body go.


"Wake up," Jackson said.

"It was a dream," I mumble, sighing in relief.

"What was a dream?" He asked, while i noticed his puffy eyes.

"I had a dream August abused me, when he found out about what Jacey did," I say.

Mama(EDITING) (August Alsina x Miracle Watts) Where stories live. Discover now