Mama Chapter 5: Cause and Effect

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Mama: Cause and Effect

(I know the time period are messed up because we went from October to Mother's day, but ignore it. Right now this book is in December;) Much Love, Here is your story now)



"Wha' ya' mean, she got shot?" I raised my voice at ha.

"I don't know August! I just got the news myself!" She yelled back at me.

I brushed past ha', and got in my ranga'. I swea' everytime somethin' good happen, somethin' fucks it up. I get my phone out my pocket, and call Chandra.


Chandra: Hello.

August: Aye, I got some bad news, ma.

Chandra: What is it? Eveything okay?

August: Na' everything ain't. Ma, got shot.

Chandra: Shit! How?

August: Ion know ma. Tha' interviewa' told meh' Amiyah needa' , I rushed out thea', and that's when she told meh'.

Chandra: Okay, well I guess it good, my plane just boarded here. I ame here to surprise you, but I guess not. What hospital now?

August: Damn! Tha' surprise woulda' been A1! St.Bernards though.

Chandra: Okay, see you there.

I hung up tha' phone, and relaxed in my ca' seat a lil' bit. This shi' happen out of no whea'. I ain't expect this in a million yeuahs'. I unlock meh' do', and hop out. I lock it back, and walked in tha hospita'. I went up to tha' receptionist's desk,

"Hello. How may I help you Mr.Alsina,"She smiled up at me.

I chuckled," I guess, I been hea' a lot. Anyways, I came hea', to visit my ma. Shelia Alsina."

"Yeah you have, but she is on the 5th floor, room 506," She handed meh' a pass, tha' leh' me visit.

I thank ha', and made my way up.

ROOM 506

"Ma," I slowly pushed tha' do' open, and walked in.

"Hey Aug," She replied lightly.

I walked in a lil' mo', and took a seat, by ha' bed. She looked so weak, right na'. I sigh, and lay back.

"How all this happen ma?" I rub ha hand, and saw ha' look down.

"Promise you won't get mad?" She had teuahs' flowin' down ha' face.

"I ain't ma."

"Okay. You are supposed to perform in Baton Rouge for two weeks. When Dequantes and I, didn't complete our mission to hurt you badly, after the car accident in New Orleans, we decided to do another action, in Baton Rouge since it was about an hour, and 30 minutes away. When I flew down here, he did as well. Our intentions were to plan some things down in ATL, for we could do something's. I also didn't have intentions, to make up with you as well, but that's what happened. Once we made up, I called off plans, with Dequantes. He didn't like that, so when I went to smoke, he was there and shoot me. I am glad he shot me, because our plans were to shoot Amiyah, but that doesn't mean he won't stop trying to go after Amiyah or you. I have been trying my hardest to hide Abrielle from him, because if he finds out about her, he will try to kill her instantly."

I shake my head and sigh, "So they afta' Amiyah na? Who is Dequantes ma?"

"Yes, sadly. Dequantes is Rich Homie Quan."

Mama(EDITING) (August Alsina x Miracle Watts) Where stories live. Discover now