Mama Chapter 9: My Brother's Keeper

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Mama: My Brother's Keeper

Abrielle(2) and Mya(1) in MM


"Bye Cha," I say, while dropping her and Chay off at the air port.

"Bye boo," She said back, before going through security.

I put my shades back up, because there has been a rumor about August's breaking some girls cervix, and I am not trying to be in any drama with that.

I push my bag up on my shoulder a little bit, while walking out the airport, trying to remember where I parked my car.

"Mrs. Alsina is it true about August?" A few reports came up to me, and I did with August told me, ignore and leave. A few kept asking questions, but one got to me.

"Mrs. Alsina, is it true that August's doesn't now that your daugther is adopted," One female asked me. I turned around, and socked her in the face, while I kept walking to the car.


I was watchin' Mya and Brie, goin' down tha' big slide. I can tell tha' Mya ain't have fun in awhile.

"I don't give a fuck about you or anything that you do,"

My phone rang, and I knew it was Crystal, because tha's ha' ringtone in my phone.



Crystal: Are you in front of a TV right now?

August: Na' wha's wrong.

Crystal: All I know is Amiyah, has been charged with something, and know they are holding her in cell.

August: Awh shi' ya' think ya' can watch tha' girls, til I get back.

Crystal: Yea.

I hung up and sighed, wha' have my baybeh' dun' na'.


I honestly don't care that I am in this jail cell, the bitch shouldn't have said that. Everyone knows Abrielle isn't adopted, we recorded when I gave birth. That question bothered me because my father was adopted, and it hurts to keep that from someone. I wouldn't hurt August in any type of way, like that.

"Baybeh?" August came by my cell, with his bucket hat low.

"Huh?" I asked, walking to the bars.

"Wha' ya' da'?" He asked, his voice seemed disappointed and I frowned.

"Some paparazzi bitch came up to me and asked do you know that Abrielle is adopted," I say, while looking into his low eyes.

"I told ya' don't leh' them geh' ta' ya'. Ya' and I both know Abrielle ain't adopted, she look ta' much like ya' and I to be adopted. Also, we gah' tha' picchas' of ha' as a baby," August, said rising his hat off his head a little bit.

"I know, but it just made me think of my Daddy, and you know how sensitive that is to me," I sniffed, and wiped my eyes.

"Stop cryin' mama, ya' goin' ta' be outchea' soon," August said, before walking to talk to the officer.


I saw my sister punch the paparazzi women on the news. They should know not to fuck with her. I rub my belly, and went to get popcorn.

"Babe, pass me the remote," Vincent said, while grabbing my waist.

"No! We are watching this, I'm trying to see what is happening to my sister," I say frustrated. Hormones

Mama(EDITING) (August Alsina x Miracle Watts) Where stories live. Discover now