Mama Chapter 12: I Didn't Even Know

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Mama: I Didn't Even Know

You Guys... It Took Me About 5 Hours To Write This, I Made Sure I Gave You Guys A 9-10 Page Chapter WithOut The Lyrics Nd Author Note At The End Nd This One, So Please Read Over The Mistakes Nd Grammar Issues.

Here's Your Story.!


I finally dun' made it ta' Montreal. I walk off tha' plane, makin' sho' my Ray-Bans was on. I was 'pose ta' meet Usher in like a hour, fa' we culd' finish rehearsin'.

I found my bags, and called my layday'.


Amiyah: Hey babe.

August: Hey baybeh', whatcha' doin' mama?

Amiyah: Hanging with the girls, I see you made it.

August: Yeah, ya' know I had ta' call my layday' when I made it.

Amiyah: Yeah, Yeah August. Well I miss you baby.

August: I miss ya' ta' gawjus'. Trust meh' I will be back soon mama.

Amiyah: Okay babe.

August: Well I'll FaceTime ya' and tha' yungins' lata'. I got ta' go baybeh', luh' ya'.

Amiyah: Okay baby, we will be waiting. I love you too.

I hung up tha' phone, and waited fa' my taxi.


"Mommy we hungry," Abrielle said referring to Mya and her.

"Okay, let's get you guys dressed, then we can go find something to eat," I say, while getting up.

"Mommy, can I dress up Abrielle?" Mya asked me while clinging to me.

"Yes, I don't mind," I reply before walking downstairs. I did start letting Mya calling me mommy. I honestly didn't mind, and she was basically another child to me.

"Hey Amiyah," Jacey said, while smiling with Cree in her arms.

I gave her a head nod and continued to the kitchen.

"Miyah quit," She said, before grabbing my arm.

"This is when I need you most ,and you are pushing me away," She said while putting a sleeping Cree on the couch.

"I ain't pushing you away obviously. If I am letting you stay in my house, and I am helping with you Cree," I mumble again.

"Amiyah please," She begged me, while following me up the stairs.

"Go away Jacey," I said while shutting my bedroom door.


"Wassup bro," Usher said, befa' dappin' meh' up.

"Nothin' much fam," I finally dun' arrived at tha' meet and greet, and I was happy ta' get ta' meet my fans.

"Thanks for doing this tour with me, I appreciate," Usher said, while we walked in the building.

"No pro'lem," I say back befa' sittin' at tha' table.


"Aye, I wanna thank all you beautiful ladies for coming to meet me and Aug," Usher said.

"Yeah, we 'preciate it a lot, I hope I see all ya' gawjus' laydays' tamorow' night," I say as my endin'.

Usher and I got up, and went out separate ways, befa' doin' tha' boys signature handshake of course.

Mama(EDITING) (August Alsina x Miracle Watts) Where stories live. Discover now