Mama Chapter 16: Surreal?

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Mama: Surreal?

Very Short Chapter But Worth Every Moment You Read😘😘


"Mel?" I ask again.

"Its meh' brotha!" He yelled, with tha' same goofy as grin.

"Look, I got self made on tha' sideburns nigha'," I yell huggin' him.

"I see, I see. Ya' life is real good," Mel replied calmy.

"Some like tha'. Lemme' geh' Miyah," I say, signalin' I would be back.
"August! Wake up," Amiyah yelled, shakin' meh'.

I blinked twice. This couldn't beh'. Whea' Mel at.!

"Whea' tha' fuck my brotha'," I yell at ha'.

"He's dead August," She mumbled, takin' tha' keys out tha' ignition.

"Nah' he ain't, he jus' started talkin' ta' meh', ya' don't know shit!" I yell, jumpin' out tha' ca'.

"August!" Amiyah yelled, grabbin' my arm.

"Move," I try ta' push ha' off, buh' she wasn't havin' tha'.

"Look, I know you miss Mel. So do I, but there is nothing we can do to bring him back August. No matter how hard we try. Mel wanted to talk to you, that's why you had that dream. He wants you to know he cares for you no matter where he is," Her words were soft and caring, while she spoke in my eah'.

"I luh' ya' so much baybeh'," I pull ha' inta' a deep kiss.

" And I love you so much more," She said inta' my lips.

I decided to cancel our counseling session for today. August was kind of messed up right now, and I wanted him to get some rest.

"Baby, Abrielle is turning 6 in a few weeks," I smile, while grabbing August's hand.

"Yeah, I know. She gettin' bigga' on a yungin'," He smirked.

"Wow, can't believe my baby girl is this big August," I smiled, remembering when I first found out I was pregnant.

"Baybeh' wha' 'bout AJ," August mumbled, making me tear up.

"I bet he is alright," I smirk, turning onto our street.

"I woulda' had meh' a junior baybeh'. He woulda' been my world," He said, gettin' out tha' ca'.

"August, you did have a junior. Unfortunately, he passed 2 days after his birth," I said, unlocking the door.


I went down the hallway, and I picked up the picture of AJ and I. He was so much similar to August.

"August!" I yell, while placing the picture down.

"Wassup?" He answered wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Look at August baby," I say picking up, another photo.

"Mane, He woulda' looked jus' like his daddy," He smirked, while kissing the photo gently.

I looked up August, and I let the tears fall. I wish I would have done better when I had AJ. I was young and naive, and I didn't care about anything.

"It's all my fault," I mumble.

"Baybeh' quit allat'," August said, pulling me closer into him.

"God knew we wasn't ready ta' beh' parents," He stroked my hair, pulling me closer.

"Imagine him August, running around the house with Abrielle and Amaiya, He deserves to be here with us, it's all my fault," I say, meaning every word.

Mama(EDITING) (August Alsina x Miracle Watts) Where stories live. Discover now