Mama: Throwback Edition

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Hello My Loves. I'm Here With A Throwback Chapter For You Guys😘🙈 This Has Nothing To Do With The Story Line, But I Have Two Characters Making An Appearance In Chapter 22, So I Want You Guys To Get A Better Understanding😏😉 Anyways, Enjoy.!

Mama: Throwback Edition 2008



While I was pulling down my volleyball shorts, I made my way to the volleyball section of the park. I honestly hated when we practiced here, thirsty boys were more than an issue.

"Come hea' lil' ma," One said, running towards me.

"No thanks," I rolled my eyes, walking a little faster.

"Tell meh' ya' name gawjus'," He said grabbing my arm, making me look at him face to face.

"My name is get the fuck away from me," I say, snatching my arm back, running towards the court.


"Here, Here," I yell at the setter. I saw the ball coming towards me, and I ran in full speed to get to it.

"Left foot, right foot," I think in my brain getting ready for the spike.

"Tip! Tip!," The other team yelled, getting ready for it. They were surprised to see me spike, but I was the master of tricks.

"In!" I yell, smiling hard.


I wipe the sweat off my forehead, before leaving the court. Practice was intense and I liked that.

"Amiyah!" I turned around to see my best friend Courtney yelling my name.

"Wassup hoe?" I question, pulling my car keys out my bag.

"Me and you are going to Speechless tonight," She smirked, while following me.

"Who said I wanted to go?" I raise a brow, and cock my head to the side.

"You have too, be ready by 10!" She yelled, while running to her car.

I sighed, and I rushed to my car as well. I knew I couldn't back out of not going to Speechless.


"What the hell," I yelled, turning around to see the boy from earlier.

"Tha' ass is nice as hell baybeh'," He smirked.

"Don't you ever do that again. I should slap the hell out of you!" I yell, while turning back around.

"Why ya' playin' hard ta' geh' baybeh'. Every girl want some of August," He smirked, while popping his collar.

I rolled my eyes at his ignorance. I could tell he was one of them boys that thought he could get whomever he wanted, Well he got shit twisted.

"Look Austin, I don't know who the hell you are, nor do I care. One thing you should know is if you disrespect me ever again, you will be sorry you ever did," I said smartly, turning away making sure my ass was switching.



Lil' ma was bad, and I had ta' give it ta' ha'. I stare at ha', while she walkin' ta' ha' Mercedes. She had class and I liked tha'. I would make sho' I ran inta' ha' again.

I jogged back ta' tha' basketball court, and met with my nighas'.

"Wha' games ya' got goin' on," I yell, takin' off my T-shirt.

"Couldn't get her, could you?" Sneak smirked, and I laughed.

"Lil' ma, was playin' hard ta' geh', buh' ima' have tha' ass sprung off Alsina," I said, while dribblin' tha' ball.

Mama(EDITING) (August Alsina x Miracle Watts) Where stories live. Discover now