Mama Chapter 10: Happiness For Once

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Mama: Happiness For Once


"August what are you doing here?" I stuttered in between words, while backing up.

"I came because I fagot' ta' give ya' Mya's clothes," He clenched his jaw.

"Obviously not August, if you brought the police," I said, while backing up to the wall.

"Crystal, you are currently charged with child abuse, for Amaiya we will give her a temporary home, but until then you will have no custody," The cops said, while cuffing my hands up.

August smirked and went to Amaiya.


"Come hea' baybeh, Unc ain't gonna hurt ya'," I tell Mya, while walkin' by ha' side.

Ha face was red and had a whole bunch of marks. I grabbed ha' hand, and led ha' out tha' do'. I culd' tell she was nervous, buh' she ain't have ta' worry.


"Mommy where is Daddy!" Abrielle yelled.

"Keep your voice down girl, I know you ain't lose your damn mind. He went to go get Mya, she was getting abused again," I say, while leading her upstairs.

"Oh okay," She said pausing, before speaking again. "Mommy, can we go shopping and swimming tomorrow?" She asked batting her eyes.

"Well, I suppose. It is suppose to be sunny, and Mya is going to need some more clothes," I said, while thinking.

"Yay mommy!" She squealed with excitement, and kissed my cheek multiple times.

"Whea' daddy luh' at?" August asked, while coming in the room. I swear he is walking sex.

"Daddy!" She screamed and gave him a big hug.

"Mommy, Mya, and I are going swimming and shopping tomorrow," Abrielle said while August picked her up and headed downstairs.

"Babe, I was putting her to sleep it's 10:30 at night," I said a little irritated.

"My bad mama, Leh' ha' and Mya hang fa' a lil' and I'll puh' 'em ta' sleep," He replied, while kissing my forehead.

"August please make sure she is in bed by 11 baby," I say while walking into our bedroom.

"I gotcha' mama."



Well it's officia', I'll be leavin' this weekend, ta' finish my tour. I sighed, and wen' ta' tha' bathroom.

"Goodmorning babe," Amiyah said, walkin' inta' tha' bathroom.

"Goodmorning gawjus," I pull ha' inta' a kiss, and pecked ha' lips a few times.

"What's your plans for today?" She asked, befa' partin' ha' hair in tha' middle.

"Finishin' tha' practice tours, ya' know I'm leavin' in two days righ'?" I asked, while starin' at ha' ass.

"No I didn't," She said sad.

"It's alright mama, its goin' ta' go by fast baybeh," I kissed ha' plumped lips.


I grabbed the curling iron and started to curl the last piece of my hair. I hated August was leaving, and I could tell he know it was bothering me.

I pushed down my two piece dress from Kiss Runway Boutique, and made sure my YSL heels, were on correctly.

"Whea' ya' goin' mama?" August asked while palming my ass hard.

Mama(EDITING) (August Alsina x Miracle Watts) Where stories live. Discover now