Mama Chapter 7: Bad Timing

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Mama: Bad Timing


I run to the bathroom, and release the leftovers that didn't digest come back up. I sigh, and put my hair in a high messy bun. I stay by the toilet for a few more minutes, just in case anymore decided to come back up .

"Ya' okay babe?" August asked, while running water, for me while I got my toothbrush.

"Yeah, just a little throw up. That's all. Can you wake up Brie, if she isn't up already?" I ask, while putting the toothbrush in my mouth.

August nodded, and shut the bathroom door. Once he left, I turned off the water, and cried.
I knew I was pregnant. The only symptom I had was the morning sickness, but I knew August didn't wear a condom, and I didn't take birth control. I wasn't going to abort the baby, because that is way far from my nature, but right now a baby is the last thing we need.

I get off the bathroom floor, and go into the bedroom and got my clothes out for work.

I stripped out my tank-top, and sports bra. I found my nude cup bra, and my black undershirt, and hurried and put both on before August's came in and tried anything. I looked around the closet, until I found something I actually liked.


"Whea' tha' fuck ya' goin' lookin' like tha' ma?" August asked while licking his lips.

" It's not even all that fancy Aug. I'm only going to work ," I say while, getting some of my red lipstick on his cheek.

"Look at yaself' Miyah," August said, while slapping my ass.

I looked at myself once and again. I had on a off the shoulder crop-top, that read why bother?. I had on high-waisted shorts, and a pair of white converse. I don't understand what's the problem. My hair was in a high bun, and I just had on eye-liner and red lipstick. I'm not getting what's bad.

"August. I am still not getting the problem," I sigh, while grabbing my keys, and purse.

"Ya' ass baybeh' tha's tha' prolem'," He smiled at me, then kissed my lips.

"August! I still don't get how I love you as much as I do, but I'm going to work, I should be back around 6 tonight love," I say while walking out the door.

"Okay mama, We gah' a date at eight, so be ready. Luh' ya' mama, have a gud' day. Don't leh' none of them lil' ass boys get nea' ya'," August said while coming up, and kissing me again, before smacking my ass.

I rolled my eyes," Love you too hubby , and I already know babes," I shut the door, walk down the cobblestone path, and head to my Aston Martin.


I watched my baybeh' pull off, then I went back in tha' house. I slipped off my bucket hat, and dived fa' tha' couch. I grabbed tha' ramote' , and flipped through tha channels.

"Hey Uncle Aug," Chay said, while sittin' by meh' on tha' couch.

"Wassup mama?" I ask ha', while sittin' up a lil' bit.

"Mommy is doing Abrielle hair, then she is going to do mine. I just decided to chill with you until then," She smiled, then layed in my lap.

I let ha', and we jus' watched Spongebob.


I made it to the boutique, and smiled when I saw all the shoppers.

"Hey boo," Jacey said, giving me a hug.

"Hey hunny. Your belly is getting bigger and bigger each day. Cree is ready to come out," I laughed, and started to help her sort the clothes.

"I know, mommy is ready to met him a lot," She said while smiling down at her stomach.

Mama(EDITING) (August Alsina x Miracle Watts) Where stories live. Discover now