Chapter 6: Messed Up

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Mama: Messed Up

I jogged up tha' stairs, and went 'round tha' corna', and walked slowly to Amiyah's and I room.

"Hey Daddy," Abrielle said jumpin' on my back.

"Hey Uncle Aug," Chay said as well, kissin' my cheek.

"Hey beautiful laydays', wha' y'all doin'," I ask them, followin' them into Abrielle's room.

" Mommy, Jacey, and Aunt Chandra, talkin' 'bout some stuff, and they don't want me and Chay, no whea' nea'," She replied to me.

I smiled, "You pullin' off some of Daddy's accent huh?"

She nodded, and grabbed my han'," Come play dress up with us daddy!"


I sit back in the hospital bed, flipping through the channels.

"Ms. Shelia, When will you be able to leave, we have other patients, who need rooms," I looked up, and seen the doctor standing by my bed.

"Tomorrow at the latest. If you will call Dequantes, he will be able to pick me up now sir'," I reply to him, rising up.

"Okay, I will give him a call," He walked out, and gently shut my door.

I slump back down, sighing during the process. I honestly felt bad for playing with August's and Abrielle's heart, I know damn well Amiyah don't care if I am in the picture or not. She is actually the smart one, for not letting me so close to her, as fast. Well, Abrielle couldn't help it, but August is damn naïve, just like his father.

"You ready?" Dequantes asked. I was startled, but got up.

" Yeah, how'd you get here so fast?" I asked him, slipping off the gown, and putting on my sweats, and t-shirt, August had brought.

"I was already on my way up here, to tell you that I couldn't take out Amiyah," He sighed, and opened the door up for me.

I made my way out, and spoke before pushing the elevator button," Why cant you do something for me for a change. I done did almost everything, and you can't do one simple task."

"Look, Shelia. If you ask me this is a bad idea, you should stay on good paths with August and his family. You and I both have families, and this plan could make or break us," He said, while starting up the car, going to August's.

"You chickening out now?" I ask, a little mad.

"No, I'm helping you. You have a son that cares about you a lot. You already lost one, could you lose two? Travis is fixing to move out the country, so you will barley see him, so why push August away when he actually wants you," He said again, making me think.

"Look, why don't we do this, let's delay the plan. For 1 month, you have to hang with August and his family, if you don't like it, then we can exceeded, because he performs in New Orleans, in a month. If you do like it, then you can forget the plan ever happened," He spoke, again then let me speak.

"Alright," I say looking out the window.


"Maw Maw," Abrielle and Chay say giving me hugs and kisses.

"Hey babies," I kiss their foreheads, and went in the kitchen to see Amiyah, Cha, and some girl I haven't seen before.

"Hey mama," Cha said, while getting up and hugging me.

"Hey baby," I say back, and take a seat by her.

"Hi to you all as well," I say to Amiyah, and then looked over to the unknown woman.

Mama(EDITING) (August Alsina x Miracle Watts) Where stories live. Discover now