Mama Chapter 3: Days Gone Wrong.

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Mama: Days Gone Wrong



"God, please let August be okay," I mumble to myself, impatiently waiting for the light to turn green.

"Mommy where are we going?" Abrielle asked me, laying down on Chay.

"I'm dropping you and Chay off, at Uncle Travis' house, while I make a quick errand."

"Yay! Uncle Travis! " They both squealed with excitement. I smiled and chuckled quietly to myself.


"Aye Amiyah? Is that you?" Travis said licking his lips.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, him and August loved to play.

"Travis. Quit the games. This is very important. I'll pick the girls in about a hour or two," I say trying to hurry.

"Ight ma. Be safe. Call me when you find out anything."

"I will."


"I'm here to see August. August Alsina."

"Visitors are not aloud, until doctors have final results. You may sit in the waiting area until time."

"Okay ma'am thank you."

I walked away from the desk, looking for Chandra. I glazed over a couple of times, until I found her. I quickly made my way to her, and seated.

"Amiyah girl. It all happened so fast. We were on the interstate, and a truck was in the wrong lane and it hit August head first. As soon as I saw that I called the police and called you. I just pray August is okay," Chandra was crying, and that made me cry as well.

I started rubbing my temples, and closing my eyes trying to remove the stress, that was building inside.

"Family for August. August Alsina?"

Chandra and I got up quickly, and made our way over to the doctor.

"I'm guessing you are family?"

We nod in approval, waiting for news.

"Well I must have to say. August is very lucky. He managed to survive the accident and surgery. He is performing well, but we would like him to stay another day."

A huge weight lifted off my shoulders, and I was thankful for it.

"May we visit know?" I ask wanting to see my poor, baby.

He chuckled and nodded yes.


"August. Please don't scare me like that again," I had tears streaming my down my face. I walked up to him, and kissed his lips. I parted away from after a few heated seconds, and watched him form a small smile.

"Baybeh, ya know, a yungin' good. Sorry, I forgot your not Abrielle. Where my little mini me at?"

"August just talk in your accent, stop holding it back its actually sexy, but Brie is with Travis."

"I knew ya loved it bae. Anyways come hea'. I wanna spen' sometime with ya."

I walked over to his bed, and slipped off my TOMS, while I layed down in his bed cautiously making sure not to hurt him. He wrapped his arms around me, and I snuggled into his chest.

Tears fell from my eyes, into his chest and they eventually spread to his arms. I think he felt them becauss he lifted my head up and spoke.

"What's wrong ma?" He asked while kissing my nose.

Mama(EDITING) (August Alsina x Miracle Watts) Where stories live. Discover now