Chapter 3

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Tommy's POV

(Swear words warning in this chapter)

I was woken up by Tubbo shaking my body saying

"Tommy Tommy wake up."

I groaned a little and mumbled, "What is it Tubbo? My head hurts."

"It seems that we are trapped in a room with a...huge glass window?!"

Confused by that statement I quickly sat up and saw a big glass window. The walls are made out of stone, torches are on the wall, with some blankets on the ground like the one I am sitting on right now.

"Are they treating us Like animals now?!" I said looking frustrated

"No we are not. We just put you guys in there as a place for you guys to wake up." A voice said as he appeared in front of the glass window

"WHO ARE YOU? AND WHY DID YOU PUT US IN HERE?!" I yelled walking to the glass window

"Calm down Tommy," Tubbo said putting his hand on my shoulder. "Maybe he will let us out or maybe give us something good?"

The man giggled a little saying "Mmm yes I will let you out," Pulling a lever beside him opening the glass window. "But I want you to put these on." Handing me and Tubbo some clothes. "Go to that room to put the clothes on." Pointing his finger to 2 rooms with curtains.

"Are these clothes a trap or something? AND WHAT IS YOUR NAME???" I asked again

"My name is Xylem. Okay? And these clothes arent-"

"Wait Xylem as in the plant's water-carrying tubes?!" Tubbo asked grinning a little


"Shut up and go change you-" Xylem said getting annoyed before getting cut by Tubbo

"YOUR NAME IS A PLANT PART?! LIKE WHAT???" Tubbo laughed too.

This went on for.....a while I would say (3 minutes) until Xylem had enough and shouted. "YOU GUYS ARE LIKE 11 YEAR-OLD CHILDREN NOW GO CHANGE INTO THOSE CLOTHES OR ELSE WE WILL MAKE SURE YOU WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY AGAIN!"

And that statement kinda got us scared as we remembered that we didnt came here...we were kidnapped, so we silently went to the rooms that the man told us to go and changed.

And to my surprise, the clothes that I was asked to wear is actually my Minecraft skin clothes! Accept the red scarf. After I was done changing I stepped outside and saw Tubbo in his minecraft skin clothes with a green scarf around his neck looking happy.

When we met Xylem again he explain to us that we can change our clothes without taking them off by making our hands do the telephone pose and tilt it slightly to the front and quickly go back up, we did what he asked for and some kind of screen popped up in front of my face and a lot of clothe choices appeared on the screen. Xylem told us to do the thing again to close. When it closed, Tubbo jumped and said, "I LOVE THIS OH MY GOD!"

"There is still more but I would tell you later." Xylem explained

Xylem then asked us. "Wings or Ribbons?" (A/N Kinda inspired by another creator with that idea I'll be honest) and of course I chose wings I mean why do I chose ribbons and Tubbo chose ribbons because I already chose the other option but turns out, Xylem made it that if we pick wings he will give us ribbons and if we choose ribbons he will give us wings, what a dick!

Xylem told us to follow him. He led us to a room which looks like a lab. He led us beside a small machine and asked us if we trusted him. And of course I said no but Tubbo nudged me as if he was telling me to say yes, so I said "Fine I trust you.......guy." And Tubbo nodded to the guy

Xylem told us to stay put and dont turn around as he went to our backs putting something on us and then a few seconds later after he put something on my back I felt a slight pain on my back and I think Tubbo too because he flinched a little. Another few seconds later I felt like there was something I can move or control on my back.

"Okay you can turn around now." Xylem said

And we turned around. there was nothing its just the machine. I was about to complain to the man until I touched my back. There was a ribbon but...I can control it?


A kinda long one now :D
And yes Tommy can move/control the ribbon behind him because of something if you are smart :)
Sorry for bad grammar again 😭

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