Chapter 5

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Tommy's POV

(Swear words warning in this chapter)

"Hello Tommy!" A strange voice said but the voice seems so familiar...

I slightly opened my eyes and saw a black figure above me saying, "Oh you are awake!...slightly."

I groaned as I sat up and asked "Mmm where am I now?" Then I saw Tubbo laying down in front of me unconscious. I went there shacking his body. "Tubbo Tubbo wake up. You okay bud?"

"Oh Tubbo is here too! Nice! How did you 2 muffinheads get here?" The familiar voice asked

I immediately turned around and saw Badboyhalo sitting in front of me. "Wait Bad you are here?! How did you get here?" I asked confused

"Um well I was streaming with Skeppy as usual but then a tranquilizer hit me on the neck and passed out, woke up in a room with Skeppy, a guy let us out, told us to wear this, told us some stuff, asked us ribbon or wings, Skeppy picked ribbons first so I picked wings but he switched it around so now I have ribbons and Skeppy has wings, brought us to a room, given a Diamond sword, Skeppy was given a wooden axe, told us to sit in a place, trapped us and woke up here!" Badboyhalo explained

"I-.....uh-...." I stuttered

"Oh yea that happened to us too!"

I jumped a little and turns out Tubbo was awake.

"Do you know where is Skeppy?" Tubbo questioned

After saying that, the floor we were sitting on turned into something that I couldn't recognize and walls suddenly appeared around us and a roof appeared trapping us in a box. Some parts of the box was broken and replaced with bars. And a face appeared in one of the bars saying.

"You guys talkin a'bout me?"

"Skeppy why do you always trap things?" Badboyhalo face palmed

"I dont know who do you think I am?" The voice answered

It was Skeppy

"Hiiiiii Skeppy." I said in a monotone voice

"Slash slash undo please Skeppy." Badboyhalo asked Skeppy

"Mmmm no." Skeppy sneered

"Oh my goodness here we go again." Badboyhalo sighed

"Ok fine!" Skeppy drawled

He opened his hand and a screen appeared, he then typed something and the walls slowly disappeared and the ground turned back to grass.

"Wait are we in minecraft?!" Tubbo asked looking terrified

"Um I could say that we are in minecraft but we are not technically in a video game, its like we are in another world that looks like minecraft and does stuff like minecraft but the only difference is that we cannot leave but we can do whatever we want here....well aside from world editing." Badboyhalo explained

"But Skeppy just world edited." I said confused

"Wait you were here from the past week?!" Tubbo asked

"Wait what Bad has been in this fucking world for a week?" I exclaimed feeling kinda strange because I havent opened twitter and twitch streamed for a week.

"LAUGUAGE! And a week?! Feels like only yesterday we came here." Badboyhalo told us and Skeppy nodded

"Wait so all the ones that are kidnapped on stream are here?" Tubbo exclaimed

"Wait what there are more that are kidnapped?!" I asked

"YES!!!! You havent checked twitter?!?!?!?!?!" Tubbo Shouted

"N-no?" I said giving a nervous smile

"Oh my gosh." Tubbo sighed putting his hand to his forehead.

"Um well replying to your question earlier Tubbo, yes they are all here...I think." Badboyhalo said

"Can we see where you live? Its going to be night time soon." I asked

Welp this chapter I full of sayings 😂
But yea! I added Bad and Skeppy here :D

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