Chapter 11

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Tommyinnit's POV

"Hey uh Bad?" I called out

"Hi Tommy, what do you want?" Badboyhalo responded still looking sad and worried with Dream and Karl beside him

"Me and Tubbo are going to go- arent Dream and Karl supposed to be going to their base by now? Not that I mean it in a mean way or anything."

"No we are just staying a little more while to accompany Bad." Karl explained

"So...what were you guys going to ask again?" Dream questioned

"Me and-." I started

"Me and Tommy are going to try and find Skeppy, can we go?" Tubbo interrupted me

"Alone?!" Badboyhalo shrieked

"Yes!" I exclaimed

"No no, you guys are children!" Dream shrieked, "How about Karl and Bad stay, and I come with you."

"N-" I tried responding

"Thats a good idea!" Badboyhalo exclaimed, "Be safe."

"Bu-" I tried to reason

"You too Bad!" Tubbo waved interrupting me and dragging me to him

'CANT I JUST TALK?!?!?!' I screamed at my head

*few hours later (noon)*

"Can we stop? I wanna eat." Tubbo complained

"Sure why not?" Dream replied

*after setting up the "not lit" campfire"

"Hmm I wish Sapnap was here..." Dream chuckled making fire, "It would be sooooooo much easier."

"Why? Is it because he can make fire and you cant?" I joked

"No, its because he has fire powers." Dream explained

"Oh powers are actually in this world." Tubbo exclaimed sitting on a rock near the "not lit" campfire (A/N Okay I am having too much fun with the "not lit" campfire)

"Yea! You dont know?" Dream asked

"Hmm I wish I could find my power..." Tubbo sighed

"Me too." I agreed

*after making  the fire (bcs making fire is borin😎)*

"Tubbo you have a bow right." Dream asked

"Yes I do! Why?" Tubbo replied

"Why dont you shoot that pig over there then we will have food." Dream exclaimed

"U-uhmm." Tubbo stuttered, "I- I dont think I wanna kill a real life animal..."

"Just do it Tubbo!" Dream cheered, " You can do it Tubbo! I believe in you! Come on!

"You are acting like your character in Dream SMP Dream. I am scared." Tubbo shrieked

"JUST DO IT!!!!" Dream screamed

"AAAAHHHHHH." Tubbo shouted aiming his bow to the pig, "I AM SORRY TECHNO."

I laughed as Tubbo shot the pig. To be honest, the whole time they screamed, I just stood there watching them until Tubbo shot the pig

"LETS GOOO TUBBO! YOU DID IT!" Dream shouted

"POGCHAMP!" I shouted too

"I did it. I- I actually did it!" Tubbo stuttered in happiness

Dream ran over to the pig and carry it the campfire for us to eat

*after eating (bcs there was nothing interesting while they were eating)*

"That was good Dream!" Tubbo exclaimed, "I didnt know you could cook."

"I can do anything Tubbo." Dream joked

"Really? Then find Skeppy now." I smirked

"Ok! Lets go then." Dream said standing up

"Ok." me and Tubbo said in the same time but non of us wanna jinx anymore because the last 2 are just nearly never ending."

Skeppy's POV

"Hey guys I think I should go back now like Techno and Philza." I said getting ready to leave

"Going where?" George asked

"Like go back to Badboyhalo, Tommy and Tubbo. Why?" I asked

"But why dont you wanna stay a bit longer?" Sapnap questioned

"Because I am afraid that Bad will get nervous about me. And I dont want him to think that." I explained

"How about this." George said walking to me, "You go home tomorrow and you come with us?"

"U-uhh." I stuttered

"Yea come with us." Sapnap agreed

They surrounded me like I am the prey for their food telling me to follow them to the point I knew something's not right

'I need to get outta here right NOW' I told myself

"Um maybe next time." I said trying to walk away but I felt like something is holding my arm, I looked down and saw George's ribbon on my arm

"I dont think so Skeppy." George chuckled, "Come with us now." His ribbon slowly tying my upper body.

" George? Why are yo-" I asked nervously before my mouth got covered by his ribbon

"Shsh, its okay Skeppy just come with us." George smirked pulling me to the way they wanted me to go

And at that point, I knew for sure that something's not okay, I struggled from his ribbons but to no avail. His ribbons are too strong.

"Why are you struggling Skeppy?" Sapnap asked

"Mmmhhmmmfmfmm." I tried talking.

"What was that Skeppy? George asked

'Okay this is it. I need to go.' I told myself as I created a diamond shield blocking Sapnap and George. It worked! I was untangled! But I know I wasnt free yet, I still need to escape George and Sapnap, but... I dont wanna hurt them more...



What a chapter XD
I think this might be my fav chapter so far

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