Chapter 15

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(I cant... there is swear in this too XD, OH. MY. GOODNEEEEESSSSSS)

Tubbo's POV

'Why did I leave him, why did I leave him? Why?' Those lines kept repeating all over my head as I flew through the sky with Dream on my hands. ' Dont cry Tubbo dont cry, if you cry your vision will get blurred and you will lose sight and crash and Tommy will get even more sad if I injured myself.'

I got lower from the skies because it reminds me of when I carried Tommy up in the skies and having fun in noon but we eventually stopped because I cant hold Tommy's weight for a long time.

It took me awhile to realize... I am lost. Its nighttime and almost everything around me was dark. Almost... I saw light up ahead almost looks like a campfire so I fly to it and hope there was someone that could help me.

Badboyhalo's POV

*After Tommy walked off with George and Sapnap*

"Wait what happened here...?" I asked touching burned grass on the floor

"Oh no..." Karl exclaimed, "Sapnap and George must've gotten into a fight with someone else...but who?"

I walked around a little and saw a diamond sphere over in a distance. I ran to it and I realized. 'Skeppy...' I walked around more and saw a stone wall. 'Who is the other person that did this' A few meters away from the stone wall I saw a writing on the floor. *Tommyinnit was here...dont follow the trail I made* and there was a trail going to my right 'Skeppy and Tommy was Dream and Tubbo okay?'

"Bad?" Karl shouted a few meters away from me, "You found anything?"

"Yea." I shouted back, "Come look at this."

Few moments later, Karl came running to me saying

"Ok *sigh* I'm here." Karl sighed, "So what did you find?"

"This." I said pointing to the writing on the floor

"Ooh.. interesting..." Karl examined, "Should we follow it?"

"Um I dont know..." I replied, "It could be dangerous..."

"Lets find Tubbo and Dream first then we'll go?" Karl questioned

"Mmm ok!" I answered, "But where do we go first?"

"Maybe look around a bit and see where Tubbo or Dream must've gone." Karl suggested

"But there is a very high chance that Tubbo flew you know that right?" I asked

"True...but they can sometimes drop feathers like...this one." Karl said picking up a green feather

"*Gasp* that must be his!" I gasped

"Come on!" Karl exclaimed running to another feather I ran behind him

Tommy's POV

After what seems like forever of walking, we made it to a wall.

"So...where is the entry?" I asked

"This is the entry." George said, " Sapnap?"

Sapnap nodded and pulled a secret lever behind the vines. A door suddenly opened in front of me. I stepped back a little feeling nervous.

"Lets go." Sapnap said coldly

We went in and the first thing I see is red crystals everywhere on the obsidian walls, Lava on the floors.

"It looks like the nether..." I said

"Well its not the nether though." George smirked

We kept walking until I saw a giant red ruby in front of me. With another person just in front of it with some red rings around him. The figure looks like he has black wings with a dark green-ish clothing. Took me a moment to realize.

"PHILZA!" I shouted

"Be quite Tommy." Sapnap snapped (A/N that sounded like a pun ngl)

He turned around and saw me but his face was plain like he doesnt see me.

"Guys." George said, "The ruby wants Tommy in prison for now so he can deal with Philza first then Wilbur then Tommy."

"Pr-prison?!" I hesitated, "This fockin place has a prison?!"

"Yes." Skeppy responded coldly, "Now come with us to your "fuckin" cell shall we."

Tubbo's POV

"Hello?" I shouted as I landed at the area, "Is anyone here?"


'Surely there must be someone here right? I mean the campfire is lit.' I told myself

I laid Dream next to the fire and walked around a bit. 'Strange...' I said to myself

After awhile of walking around, I heard a stick snap behind me. I quickly turned around and saw a figure ran to the tree beside it.

"Hello?" I called out, "I know you are there."

"T-Tubbo?" The figure stuttered

"T- ho- wha- h- how do you know me?" I hesitated

The figure stepped out of the tree and it was...

"A fox?" I asked

"Oh jesus christ." The fox face palmed and changed into an orange haired human and I realized its was Fundy!

"FUNDY!" I screamed, "YOU ARE HERE!"

"Tubbo please answer this honestly." Fundy looked at me eyes, "Do you have powers?"

"No." I replied, "Why?"

"Good." Fundy sighed, "Please help me because I have powers and they are going after me!"

"Wait wait wait wait wait. Please calm down. And tell me what you are talking about." I calmed Fundy

"Wait, you dont know about the Narimsomes?" Fundy asked

"The Nari-what now?" I questioned

"The Narimsomes." Fundy exclaimed, "The ones that seek the people with powers and brainwash them to help find more."

"*Gasp* Tommy..." I whispered

"What was that?" Fundy asked

"Tommy...TOMMY!" I screamed about to fly to where Tommy was but Fundy held my leg with his ribbon saying

"Whoa whoa whoa calm down Tubbo it's dangerous." Fundy told me, "Its okay. Here lets eat first while we talk."

I nodded with tears filling up my eyes.


Is this a short chapter?
And also...GOSH I NAME THINGS SO HORRIBLY (talking abt the "Narimsomes")

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