Chapter 9

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Skeppy's POV

(SwEaR wOrD wArNiNg)

*4 am-ish*

I woke up from a very bright cyan light coming from my chest.

'Whats....happening?' I hesitated in my head

After a few moments later, the light reduced and a necklace was formed on my chest. It looks like a cyan moon stone with a diamond figure drawn on the front.

'Thank GOD, yesterday we made 2 more tents so we can sleep alone.' I sighed with relief, 'I am not ready to tell them I found my power yet...' hiding the necklace under my hoodie, 'Soon...I will tell them, but not now...'

Tommy's POV

(Skip to 12:27pm bcs walking is boring :D)

Skeppy have taught Tubbo how to fly yesterday on the way back. And now seeing Tubbo flying with Skeppy on top of us makes me kinda mad bcs that dick switched it around but I am fine with that I guess.

'I guess I could still pull them down whenever I want to now.' I said in my head smiling a bit.

"Wait I see PEOPLE!" Tubbo screamed

"WHERE?!" Bad, Skeppy snd I shouted

"OVER THERE!" Tubbo pointed to a direction

"LETS GO THEN!" Skeppy shouted as he flew with Tubbo following

"Oh for god's sake." I muttered running the direction they were flying to

After what seemed like 10 million years, me and Bad FINALLY made it and saw Skeppy and Tubbo talking to them.

"Oh you guys finally made it!" Tubbo chuckled

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up" I muttered in annoyance

"Language." Badboyhalo said

"Tommy?! You are here too?!" A voice asked behind Skeppy

"Wait Dream?" I looked behind Skeppy

"And Karl too excuse me." A voice said beside Dream

"Oh oops sorry. I didnt see you there KarlJacobs" I faked apologized (A/N Is that a thing?)

Skeppy's POV

After talking and walking for a long time, I noticed the necklace is starting to go bright again, so as fast as I can, I flew away before it could get more brighter. Ignoring Badboyhalo behind me calling my name.

As I flew further and further from the group, It glowed brighter and brighter until I was blinded by the light and couldn't see anything. I closed my eyes for a few seconds, hoping the light would go away.

But as I opened my eyes again, a tree was front of me. I panicked but before I could do anything, I crashed.

I think I have been unconscious for quite a long time because when I opened my eyes again, it was evening and I could hear voices coming to me but my head felt so heavy that I couldnt move. Few moments later, I passed out again.


I think the chapters are getting shorter and shorter ngl😂

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