Chapter 17

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Tubbo's POV

I woke up in a very intense feeling of headaches

"AH." I shouted waking up Fundy and Dream

"Tubbo? You ok?" Fundy asked

"No... I- AH my head." I shouted putting my hands on my head

Few moments later, I started to see sightings flashing at me like a flashlight turning on and off. In one of the sightings I saw, I saw Tommy, Skeppy and another person I couldnt tell fighting a lot of monsters. And that is where it hit me.


I tried walking a few centimeters but my headache is too painful for me to focus on walking. I eventually lose balance and I fell, Dream caught me telling me to relax but I cant relax knowing my friend is in danger.

"Tubbo maybe you should calm down a bit then we will go." Fundy told me

"I- okay..." I agreed

Fundy's POV

I kneeled down beside a sleeping Tubbo on Dream's lap. I felt bad for him because I almost felt the same thing when they took Wilbur but I know Tubbo's and Tommy's friendship is stronger then mine and Wilbur's

"F-Fundy?" A familiar voice stuttered behind me

I turned around and saw Nihachu, Jack and Techno standing right in front of me.

"FUNDY!!" Niki and Jack yelled running to me and hugged me, "We thought you were caught!"

"Of course no guys." I smiled

"Um I'm just gonna sit beside Dream." Technoblade said walking to Dream (A/N I dont know what Techno's personality is like tbh I just know him bcs of Tommy and yea-)

"Whats this al-" another voice was heard from behind me

We all turned around and saw Badboyhalo standing there with KarlJacobs

"Bad?!" Tubbo shrieked and tried to go hug him but I'm guessing his headache isnt healed yet because few moments after he stood up, he fell again and Bad caught him this time.

"Tubbo? You okay?" Bad asked Tubbo

"Yea Im alright just a little headache." Tubbo replied, "Thx for catching me tho."

"Wow this got crowded quickly." Dream joked

Looking around I know what we had to do.

"Guys I know we all just met but apparently Tubbo had some sightings of...our friends fighting with the Narimsomes." I explained, "So I say we will try and help them fight with the weapons we were given, SO WHOSE WITH ME?"

"ME!" They shouted


(A/N I cant help but laugh while writing this XD. I cant imagine them just shout for their friends 😂. THE CRINGE IS SWALLOWING ME)
(And Jack manifold just standing there bcs his partner is here)

"SO." I shouted, "Does anyone know to go from here?"

"WHAT. THE. FUCK. IS. WRONG. WITH. YOU." Karl shouted, "Follow me, me and Bad found a trail with a sigh saying dont follow it by Tommy, so yea."

"I dont even bother to say "Language" to that." Badboyhalo said

"Wait wait Fundy." Tubbo called, "You are a shape-shifter right? Can you turn into someone else?

"I'll try." I responded

I touched my necklace and thought of me changing into Tubbo when I opened my eyes, I felt like I was small again, I did it. I turned into Tubbo...but I turned into myself again but that was awesome.

"And can you turn into a dragon and fly us there?" Tubbo asked again

"You know what. Okay guys get ready for a ride." I shouted turning into a dragon

They all got on my back and we flew. Few moments later we landed and ran. We saw a wall and immediately went searching where the entry is. When we found the entry, we ran in brought our weapons out and ready to fight but we soon noticed...we were late...

Skeppy's POV

*Few minutes earlier before Fundy and the others came*

We have been fighting for a long time now and were getting tired. After we finished dealing with all the guards, Tommy whispered to me "Skeppy...I dont think I can fight anymore..."

"Me too Tommy but we need to keep going..." I replied

"Okay..." he answered

"Impressive you three." George clapped, "But I bet you cant fight us."

I then fight Sapnap, Wilbur fought Philza and Tommy fight George

Not gonna lie its is easy to fight Sapnap because diamonds are almost invincible to fire. So I eventually knocked him out and helped out Wilbur because I thought Tommy was doing alright with George but I was so wrong. After helping Wilbur fight Philza, I turned around to see Tommy having red circles around him with George standing beside him smirking.

"TOMMY!" I screamed but Wilbur pulled me to him and shocked me until I fell on the floor

"You think I am Wilbur?!" He said taking off something on his eye
Few moments later, his eyes were red, he was wearing contact lenses

"W-what?" I hesitated

"Now say goodbye to your friend Tommyinnit and hello to our friend." George giggled

The red circles around suddenly disappeared. He stood up and looked at me. And I immediately noticed something wrong about him. His eyes turned from normal human eyes into demonic red eyes.

I was scared until I heard the door opened.

Again I wanna say that I dont really know Technoblade, Wilbur and Jack so pls dont judge me if I made one of them say something what they dont usually do 😅

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