Chapter 4

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Tubbo's POV

"I HAVE WINGS!" I screamed happily jumping up and down

'This isnt bad after all' I said in my mind

I immediately started trying to fly but Xylem stopped me.

"Dont! Not here. I have a place for that bu-" Xylem tried explaining

"Um...Xylem help." Tommy interrupted Xylem

I looked at Tommy behind Xylem and almost laughed. He tangled himself with his own ribbon. Xylem sighed and helped Tommy. Few moments later Tommy was untangled, his ribbons flowed to the ground. Xylem asked us to follow him again.

Few moments later we were led to a room with some glass windows on the left with some names on the front and on the right we saw...WEAPONS?!

"Here you might need weapons ." Xylem said as he was walking to the right side.

I got a bow and Tommy got a diamond sword.

"Whoa this is just like minecraft haha." Tommy chuckled

"Yes it is! Now come follow me, there is one last thing I wanna show you." Xylem assured walking towards the door

"Um may I ask why there are glass doors on the left side?" I asked

"No. Sit here," Xylem ordered and as we did. Xylem said "I hope you are ready."

"Ready for what?" Tommy asked

"Get ready to meet your new home." Xylem said with an evil smile

"Wait what?!" I asked about to stand up but a metal belt appeared around my waist preventing me to stand up and a glass sheild appeared in front of us. I saw Xylem just outside the glass sheild smiling mouthing "Bye bye."  And pulled a lever. My vision started to fade into another world as I closed my eyes feeling tired and darkness filled my sight.


Here we go >:D
Another cliffhanger :)

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